
Counting colored planar maps: algebraicity results. (English) Zbl 1223.05123

Summary: We address the enumeration of properly \(q\)-colored planar maps, or more precisely, the enumeration of rooted planar maps \(M\) weighted by their chromatic polynomial \(\chi _{M}(q)\) and counted by the number of vertices and faces. We prove that the associated generating function is algebraic when \(q\neq 0,4\) is of the form \(2+2\cos(j\pi /m)\), for integers \(j\) and \(m\). This includes the two integer values \(q=2\) and \(q=3\). We extend this to planar maps weighted by their Potts polynomial \(P_{M}(q,\nu )\), which counts all \(q\)-colorings (proper or not) by the number of monochromatic edges. We then prove similar results for planar triangulations, thus generalizing some results of Tutte which dealt with their proper \(q\)-colorings.
In statistical physics terms, the problem we study consists in solving the Potts model on random planar lattices. From a technical viewpoint, this means solving non-linear equations with two “catalytic” variables. To our knowledge, this is the first time such equations are being solved since Tutte’s remarkable solution of properly \(q\)-colored triangulations.


05C30 Enumeration in graph theory
05C10 Planar graphs; geometric and topological aspects of graph theory
05C15 Coloring of graphs and hypergraphs




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