
Effective noise reduction techniques for disconnected loops in lattice QCD. (English) Zbl 1215.81120

Summary: Many lattice QCD observables of phenomenological interest include so-called all-to-all propagators. The computation of these requires prohibitively large computational resources, unless they are estimated stochastically. This is usually done. However, the computational demand can often be further reduced by one order of magnitude by implementing sophisticated unbiased noise reduction techniques. We combine both well known and novel methods that can be applied to a wide range of problems. We concentrate on calculating disconnected contributions to nucleon structure functions, as one realistic benchmark example. In particular we determine the strangeness contributions to the nucleon, \(\langle N|\bar ss|N\rangle\) and to the spin of the nucleon, \(\Delta s\).


81V05 Strong interaction, including quantum chromodynamics
81T25 Quantum field theory on lattices
81T80 Simulation and numerical modelling (quantum field theory) (MSC2010)
81V35 Nuclear physics
81U35 Inelastic and multichannel quantum scattering




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