
On the solvability of a variational problem about phase transitions in continuum mechanics. (English. Russian original) Zbl 1209.74032

J. Math. Sci., New York 156, No. 4, 632-643 (2009); translation from Probl. Mat. Anal. 38, 61-71 (2008).
The author studies a variational problem on phase transition in continuum mechanics under the condition that the surface tension coefficient vanishes. The energy functional has the form \(I_0(u,\chi)=\int_\Omega\{\chi(F^+(\nabla u)+t)+ (1-\chi)F^-(\nabla u)+g\cdot u\}\,dx+\int_{\partial\Omega}f\cdot u\,dS,\;\) where \(F^\pm(\nabla u)=a_{ijkl}^\pm(u_{x_j}^i-\xi_{ij}^\pm)(u_{x_l}^k-\xi_{ij}^\pm)\) are elements of the tensor of elasticity moduli and \(\chi\) is the characteristic function. The domain of the functional is defined by formulas \(\mathbb X=\{u\in W^1_2(\Omega,\mathbb R^m),\;u|_\Gamma=u_0|_\Gamma\}\), \(\mathbb Z'=\{\chi\in L_\infty(\Omega)\), \(\chi^2(x)=\chi(x)\) a.e. in \(\Omega\}\), where \(\Gamma\subset \partial\Omega\) is a fixed subset of a positive measure, and a fixed function \(u_0\in W^1_2(\Omega,\mathbb R^m)\) determines the displacement field on \(\Gamma\).
An equilibrium displacement field \(\hat u\in\mathbb X\) and equilibrium phase distribution \(\hat \chi\in \mathbb Z'\) solve the variational problem \(I_0[\hat u,\hat\chi]=\inf_{u\in\mathbb X,\chi\in \mathbb Z'}I_0[u,\chi].\) After preliminary minimizing with respect to \(\chi\in\mathbb Z'\), the author solves the variational problem relative to an equilibrium displacement field \(I_{\min}[\hat u]=\inf_{u\in\mathbb X}I_{\min}[u]\) with not weakly lower semicontinuous functional \(I_{\min}\). It is shown that if a force field is nonzero almost everywhere, then the problem has only spherically symmetric solutions.


74N20 Dynamics of phase boundaries in solids
74G65 Energy minimization in equilibrium problems in solid mechanics
74G25 Global existence of solutions for equilibrium problems in solid mechanics (MSC2010)
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