
Generalizing the Kreĭn-Rutman theorem, measures of noncompactness and the fixed point index. (English) Zbl 1206.47044

Summary: If \(L : Y \rightarrow Y\) is a bounded linear map on a Banach space \(Y\), the “radius of the essential spectrum” or “essential spectral radius” \(\rho (L)\) of \(L\) is well-defined and there are well-known formulas for \(\rho (L)\) in terms of measures of noncompactness. Now let \(C \subset D\) be complete cones in a normed linear space (\(X, \|\cdot\|\)) and \(f : C \rightarrow C\) a continuous map which is homogeneous of degree one and preserves the partial ordering induced by \(D\). We prove (see Section 2) that various obvious analogs of the formulas for the essential spectral radius for the case \(f : C \rightarrow C\) have serious defects, even when \(f\) is linear on \(C\). We propose (see (3.5)) a definition for \(\rho C (f)\), the “cone essential spectral radius of \(f\),” which avoids these difficulties. If \({\tilde r}_{C}(f)\) denotes the (Bonsall) cone spectral radius of \(f\), we conjecture (see Conjecture 4.1) that if \(\rho_{C}(f) < {\tilde r}_{C}(f)\), then there exists \(u \in C\setminus \{0\}\) with \(f(u) = ru\), where \(r := r_C (f)\). If \(f\) satisfies certain additional conditions (for example, if \(f\) is a compact perturbation of a map which is linear on \(C\)), we obtain the conclusion of the conjecture; but, in general, we observe (Remark 4.7) that the conjecture is intimately related to old and difficult conjectures in asymptotic fixed point theory. In Section 5, we briefly discuss extensions of generalized max-plus operators which were our original motivation and for which Conjecture 4.1 is already nontrivial.


47H07 Monotone and positive operators on ordered Banach spaces or other ordered topological vector spaces
47H08 Measures of noncompactness and condensing mappings, \(K\)-set contractions, etc.
47H10 Fixed-point theorems
47J10 Nonlinear spectral theory, nonlinear eigenvalue problems
46B40 Ordered normed spaces
47A10 Spectrum, resolvent
47B65 Positive linear operators and order-bounded operators
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