
Dynamic systems and applications. Vol. 5. Proceedings of the 5th international conference, Morehouse College, Atlanta, GA, USA, May 30–June 2, 2007. (English) Zbl 1203.35008

Atlanta, GA: Dynamic Publishers (ISBN 1-890888-01-6). viii, 535 p. (2008).

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The articles of mathematical interest will be reviewed individually. The preceding conference (4, 2003) has been reviewed (see Zbl 1054.34001).
The 85 papers in this collection include the following: Azmy S. Ackleh, Keng Deng and Jeremy J. Thibodeaux, An explicit finite difference method for a structured erythropoiesis model (1–5); Primitivo B. Acosta-Humánez and David Blázquez-Sanz, Hamiltonian system and variational equations with polynomial coefficients (6–10); N. U. Ahmed, Parabolic and hyperbolic systems governed by co-ercive operator valued measures and their control (11–16); Marat Akhmet and Gul’baram Bekmukhambetova, On modeling of blood pressure distribution (17–20); M. U. Akhmet and M. Turan, A new class of differential equations: systems on variable time scales with transition conditions (21–27); Vasilios Alexiades, Parameter estimation for biochemical reactions in phototransduction (28–34); John A. D. Appleby, Alexandra Rodkina and Catherine Swords, Fat tails and bubbles in a discrete time model of an inefficient financial market (35–45) Gokarna Raj Aryal and Chris P. Tsokos, Theory and applications of the truncated skew Laplace distribution (46–52); Lennard F. Bakker, Measurably nonconjugate higher-rank abelian non-Cartan actions (53–59); John V. Baxley and Cynthia G. Enloe, Nonlinear initial value problems with global solutions (60–63); Abdelkrim Brania and M. Sambandham, Symbolic dynamics of the shift map in \(\mathbb{R}^\ast\) (68–72); Baruch Cahlon and Darrell Schmidt, On delay differential equation with \(m\) commensurate delays (73–77). Anna Maria Candela and Giuliana Palmieri, Multiple solutions of \(p\)-Laplace type equations (78–84); C. Y. Chan and W. Y. Chan, Existence of classical solutions of nonlinear degenerate parabolic problems (85–91); C. Y. Chan and J. C. Carrillo Escobar, Blow-up of the solution for a singular semi-linear parabolic problem due to a concentrated nonlinear source (92–100); C. Y. Chan and T. Treeyaprasert, Blow-up due to a concentrated nonlinear source on a semi-infinite interval (101–108); Hsin-Chu Chen and Peiqing Shen, On block Fourier decomposition method (109–113); Yong-Zhuo Chen, On the sum of two monotone operators (114–118); Zhifan Chen, Random-phase approximation with exchange for the open-shell atom photoionization (119–124); Duane Cooper, A probabilistic model of cumulative voting with implications for dynamical system simulation (125–127); Casey T. Cremins, A semilinear Birkhoff-Kellogg theorem (128–130); D. H. Dezern and S. G. Pandit, On Volterra integral equations with monotone kernels and applications (131–137); Maria Ailynn A. Diansuy, An approach in computing the volume of solids of revolution generated along an oblique axis (138–142); Joshua Z. Du and Liancheng Wang, Dispersion relations for supersonic triple circular jets in vortex model (143–150). N. van Eijndhoven, O. Fadiran and G. Japaridze, Approximation for a photon propagation delay probability distribution function in terms of elementary functions (151–155); H. Onur Ekici and Hakan Boyaci, Vibration analysis of electrically excited microbeams under non-ideal boundary conditions (156–163); E. E. Escultura, Dynamic and mathematical models of physics (164–169); L. Fatone, F. Mariani, M. C. Recchioni and F. Zirilli, The calibration of the Heston stochastic volatility model using filtering and maximum likelihood methods (170–181); R. K. George and Jaita P. Sharma, Exact controllability of nonlinear impulsive system (182–185); John R. Graef, Johnny Henderson and Bo Yang, Existence and nonexistence of positive solutions of an \(N\)-th order nonlocal boundary value problem (186–191); John R. Graef and Lingju Kong, Nontrivial solutions of periodic boundary value problems (192–197); C. P. Grünfeld, On a class of nonlinear evolution equations in an abstract Lebesgue space (198–202); Daniel X. Guo, A two-time-level semi-Lagrangian spectral model of the shallow water equations with variable resolution (203–210); Chaitan P. Gupta, A third order \(m\)-point boundary value problem at resonance involving a \(p\)-Laplacian type operator (211–215); Joonghee Huh and Adam Kolkiewicz, Optimal portfolio selection based on a path-dependent utility function (216–221); Gennaro Infante, Nonzero solutions of second order problems subject to nonlinear BCs (222–226). Anatoli F. Ivanov, On symmetric differential delay equations with cubic nonlinearity (227–233); Christopher G. Jesudason, Effective conservation of energy and momentum algorithm using switching potentials suitable for molecular dynamics simulation of thermodynamical systems (234–239); Harihar Khanal and Vasilios Alexiades, Models of phototransduction in rod photoreceptors (240–246); Valery A. Kholodnyi, Modeling power forward prices for power spot prices with trends and spikes in the framework of the non-Markovian approach (247–253); Valery A. Kholodnyi and Nikita V. Kholodnyi, Numerical investigation of the implied volatility for European call and put options on forwards on power with spikes in the framework of the non-Markovian approach (254–257); Qingkai Kong and Daxiong Piao, Periodic solutions of impulsive neutral dynamic equations on time scales (258–262); Ted Kury, A vector autoregression framework for the modeling of commodity spreads (263–267); T. S. Li and S. M. Wong, Solving the sudden-expansion problem with radial basis function (268–273); Jan Libich and Petr Stehlík, Macroeconomic games on time scales (274–278); Benedetta Lisena, Global attractivity in delayed logistic equations with periodic coefficients (279–282); H. T. Liu and Sheng-Hung Chen, Blow-up for semilinear integro-differential equations with nonlocal boundary conditions (283–290); Rogemar S. Mamon and Luka Jalen, Parameter estimation in a regime-switching model when the drift and volatility are independent (291–298). Alfred K. Mbah and Chris P. Tsokos, Theory of records for the Gumbel probability distribution (299–305); N. G. Medhin and M. Sambandham, An approach to multiscale modeling of polymer viscoelasticity (306–311); Nikolai B. Melnikov and Boris I. Reser, Instability analysis for the system of nonlinear equations of the dynamic spin-fluctuation theory (312–316); Tanya G. Melton and A. S. Vatsala, Generalized quasilinearization method and higher order of convergence for integro-differential equations (317–321); R. E. Mickens and S. A. Rucker, Exact solutions to the linear Goursat equation and a NSFD scheme (322–324); Feliz Minhós and João Fialho, Ambrosetti-Prodi type results to fourth order nonlinear fully differential equations (325–332); Anurag Misra and D. C. Gupta, Microwave and EMR pollution due to mobile towers and mobile phones (333–338); N. P. Moshkin, G. G. Chernykh and A. V. Fomina, Application of splitting methods to a hierarchy of RANS models of far turbulent wake behind towed body in linearly stratified media (343–351); Zephyrinus C. Okonkwo, Stability of Ito-Volterra integrodifferential equations of neural type (352–360); E. Özkaya and A. Tekin, Non-linear transverse vibrations of a clamped multi-stepped beam (361–368); Bernardo K. Pagnoncelli, Carlos Tomei and Humberto J. Bortolossi, A geometric approach to hydrothermal scheduling with variable production coefficient (369–375); S. Parthasarathy, K. Manikandakumar, K. Ganesan, R. Jothi and R. Natarajan, Chaos game representation of protein sequence families (376–379). S. Pederson and M. Sambandham, On the numerical treatment of hybrid stochastic differential systems (380–385); Chuang Peng, Fuzzy numbers, fuzzy elements, and their additive properties (386–393); B. Piette and W. J. Zakrzewski, Scattering of sine-Gordon kinks and breathers on a finite width well (394–401); Lorenzo Pisani and Gaetano Siciliano, Some results on the Schrödinger-Poisson system in a bounded domain (402–406); Agostino Prástaro, On quantum black-hole solutions of quantum super Yang-Mills equations (407–414); V. Raghavendra, An overview of implicit differential equations (415–419); S. Chandra Sekhara Rao and Mukesh Kumar Parameter-uniformly convergent hybrid scheme for singularly perturbed boundary-value problems (420–424); Nabil Saimi, Modeling electricity spot prices: statistical analysis and stylized facts (425–434); A. Salvatore, Some multiplicity results for a class of elliptic systems (435–441); Philip W. Schaefer, Lower bounds for blow-up time in some porous medium problems (442–445); Shou Hsing Shih and Dennis Koutras, Analytical model for economic forecasting (446–452); Shou Hsing Shih and Chris P. Tsokos, New nonstationary time series models with economic applications (453–460). Chris P. Tsokos, Statistical modeling of global warming (461–465); Cemil Tunç, On the boundedness of solutions of nonlinear differential equations of fifth-order with delay (466–473); Vladimir B. Vasilyev, Discrete convolutions and difference equations (474–480); Erik I. Verriest, Lie-exponentials, tadpole diagrams and frogspawn: explicit solutions to autonomous nonlinear systems (481–488); Claudio Vidal, Claudio Cuevas and Luis del Campo, Weighted exponential trichotomy of difference equations (489–495); Lianwen Wang, Approximate controllability of semilinear control systems with unbounded delay (496–502); Wafik A. Wassef, Mathematical model for action potentials (503–509); J. R. L. Webb, A unified approach to nonlocal boundary value problems (510–515); S. M. Wong, T. S. Li, X. G. Wu and Y. M. Shen, Numerical simulation of shallow water flows using planar 2-D algebraic-stress model in curvilinear coordinates (516–521); Hongbiao Zeng, A new NP problem for a math game (522–526); Mirosława Zima, Existence of positive solutions for a second-order three-point boundary value problem at resonance (527–532).
Indexed articles:
Ackleh, Azmy S.; Deng, Keng; Thibodeaux, Jeremy J., An explicit finite difference method for a structured erythropoiesis model, 1-5 [Zbl 1203.65128]
Acosta-Humánez, Primitivo B.; Blázquez-Sanz, David, Hamiltonian system and variational equations with polynomial coefficients, 6-10 [Zbl 1203.37091]
Ahmed, N. U., Parabolic and hyperbolic systems governed by co-ercive operator valued measures and their control, 11-16 [Zbl 1203.49053]
Akhmet, Marat; Bekmukhambetova, Gul’baram, On modeling of blood pressure distribution, 17-20 [Zbl 1203.76181]
Akhmet, M. U.; Turan, Mehmet, A new class of differential equations: systems on variable time scales with transition conditions, 21-27 [Zbl 1203.34005]
Alexiades, Vasilios, Parameter estimation for biochemical reactions in phototransduction, 28-34 [Zbl 1203.93192]
Appleby, John A. D.; Rodkina, Alexandra; Swords, Catherine, Fat tails and bubbles in a discrete time model of an inefficient financial market, 35-45 [Zbl 1203.91280]
Aryal, Gokarna Raj; Tsokos, Chris P., Theory and applications of the truncated skew Laplace distribution, 46-52 [Zbl 1203.60015]
Bakker, Lennard F., Measurably nonconjugate higher-rank abelian non-Cartan actions, 53-59 [Zbl 1203.37009]
Baxley, John V.; Enloe, Cynthia G., Nonlinear initial value problems with global solutions, 60-63 [Zbl 1203.34006]
Brania, Abdelkrim; Sambandham, M., Symbolic dynamics of the shift map in \(\mathbb{R}^\ast\), 68-72 [Zbl 1203.37024]
Cahlon, Baruch; Schmidt, Darrell, On delay differential equation with \(m\) commensurate delays, 73-77 [Zbl 1203.34117]
Candela, Anna Maria; Palmieri, Giuliana, Multiple solutions of \(p\)-Laplace type equations, 78-84 [Zbl 1203.49003]
Chan, C. Y.; Chan, W. Y., Existence of classical solutions of nonlinear degenerate parabolic problems, 85-91 [Zbl 1203.35133]
Chan, C. Y.; Escobar, J. C. Carrillo, Blow-up of the solution for a singular semi-linear parabolic problem due to a concentrated nonlinear source, 92-100 [Zbl 1203.35134]
Chan, C. Y.; Treeyaprasert, T., Blow-up due to a concentrated nonlinear source on a semi-infinite interval, 101-108 [Zbl 1203.35140]
Chen, Hsin-Chu; Shen, Peiqing, On block Fourier decomposition method, 109-113 [Zbl 1203.65063]
Chen, Yong-Zhuo, On the sum of two monotone operators, 114-118 [Zbl 1204.47064]
Chen, Zhifan, Random-phase approximation with exchange for the open-shell atom photoionization, 119-124 [Zbl 1203.81202]
Cooper, Duane, A probabilistic model of cumulative voting with implications for dynamical system simulation, 125-127 [Zbl 1203.91069]
Cremins, Casey T., A semilinear Birkhoff-Kellogg theorem, 128-130 [Zbl 1204.47075]
Dezern, D. H.; Pandit, S. G., On Volterra integral equations with monotone kernels and applications, 131-137 [Zbl 1203.45001]
Diansuy, Maria Ailynn A., An approach in computing the volume of solids of revolution generated along an oblique axis, 138-142 [Zbl 1203.26020]
Du, Joshua Z.; Wang, Liancheng, Dispersion relations for supersonic triple circular jets in vortex model, 143-150 [Zbl 1203.76016]
van Eijndhoven, N.; Fadiran, O.; Japaridze, G., Approximation for a photon propagation delay probability distribution function in terms of elementary functions, 151-155 [Zbl 1203.33014]
Ekici, H. Onur; Boyaci, Hakan, Vibration analysis of electrically excited microbeams under non-ideal boundary conditions, 156-163 [Zbl 1203.35070]
Escultura, E. E., Dynamic and mathematical models of physics, 164-169 [Zbl 1203.81185]
Fatone, L.; Mariani, F.; Recchioni, M. C.; Zirilli, F., The calibration of the Heston stochastic volatility model using filtering and maximum likelihood methods, 170-181 [Zbl 1203.91309]
George, R. K.; Sharma, Jaita P., Exact controllability of nonlinear impulsive system, 182-185 [Zbl 1203.93023]
Graef, John R.; Henderson, Johnny; Yang, Bo, Existence and nonexistence of positive solutions of an \(N\)-th order nonlocal boundary value problem, 186-191 [Zbl 1203.34026]
Graef, John R.; Kong, Lingju, Nontrivial solutions of periodic boundary value problems, 192-197 [Zbl 1203.34027]
Grünfeld, C. P., On a class of nonlinear evolution equations in an abstract Lebesgue space, 198-202 [Zbl 1203.34091]
Guo, Daniel X., A two-time-level semi-Lagrangian spectral model of the shallow water equations with variable resolution, 203-210 [Zbl 1203.76108]
Gupta, Chaitan P., A third order \(m\)-point boundary value problem at resonance involving a \(p\)-Laplacian type operator, 211-215 [Zbl 1203.34029]
Huh, Joonghee; Kolkiewicz, Adam, Optimal portfolio selection based on a path-dependent utility function, 216-221 [Zbl 1203.91272]
Infante, Gennaro, Nonzero solutions of second order problems subject to nonlinear bcs, 222-226 [Zbl 1203.34030]
Ivanov, Anatoli F., On symmetric differential delay equations with cubic nonlinearity, 227-233 [Zbl 1203.34111]
Jesudason, Christopher G., Effective conservation of energy and momentum algorithm using switching potentials suitable for molecular dynamics simulation of thermodynamical systems, 234-239 [Zbl 1203.80005]
Khanal, Harihar; Alexiades, Vasilios, Models of phototransduction in rod photoreceptors, 240-246 [Zbl 1203.92004]
Kholodnyi, Valery A., Modeling power forward prices for power spot prices with trends and spikes in the framework of the non-Markovian approach, 247-253 [Zbl 1203.91293]
Kholodnyi, Valery A.; Kholodnyi, Nikita V., Numerical investigation of the implied volatility for European call and put options on forwards on power with spikes in the framework of the non-Markovian approach, 254-257 [Zbl 1203.91294]
Kong, Qingkai; Piao, Daxiong, Periodic solutions of impulsive neutral dynamic equations on time scales, 258-262 [Zbl 1203.34113]
Kury, Ted, A vector autoregression framework for the modeling of commodity spreads, 263-267 [Zbl 1203.91313]
Li, T. S.; Wong, S. M., Solving the sudden-expansion problem with radial basis function, 268-273 [Zbl 1203.76018]
Libich, Jan; Stehlík, Petr, Macroeconomic games on time scales, 274-278 [Zbl 1203.91195]
Lisena, Benedetta, Global attractivity in delayed logistic equations with periodic coefficients, 279-282 [Zbl 1203.34118]
Liu, H. T.; Chen, Sheng-Hung, Blow-up for semilinear integro-differential equations with nonlocal boundary conditions, 283-290 [Zbl 1203.35136]
Mamon, Rogemar S.; Jalen, Luka, Parameter estimation in a regime-switching model when the drift and volatility are independent, 291-298 [Zbl 1203.91324]
Mbah, Alfred K.; Tsokos, Chris P., Theory of records for the Gumbel probability distribution, 299-305 [Zbl 1203.62098]
Medhin, N. G.; Sambandham, M., An approach to multiscale modeling of polymer viscoelasticity, 306-311 [Zbl 1203.35278]
Melnikov, Nikolai B.; Reser, Boris I., Instability analysis for the system of nonlinear equations of the dynamic spin-fluctuation theory, 312-316 [Zbl 1203.82115]
Melton, Tanya G.; Vatsala, A. S., Generalized quasilinearization method and higher order of convergence for integro-differential equations, 317-321 [Zbl 1203.35137]
Mickens, R. E.; Rucker, S. A., Exact solutions to the linear goursat equation and a NSFD scheme, 322-324 [Zbl 1203.35172]
Minhós, Feliz; Fialho, João, Ambrosetti-prodi type results to fourth order nonlinear fully differential equations, 325-332 [Zbl 1203.34032]
Misra, Anurag; Gupta, D. C., Microwave and EMR pollution due to mobile towers and mobile phones, 333-338 [Zbl 1203.92063]
Moshkin, N. P.; Chernykh, G. G.; Fomina, A. V., Application of splitting methods to a hierarchy of RANS models of far turbulent wake behind towed body in linearly stratified media, 343-351 [Zbl 1203.76102]
Okonkwo, Zephyrinus C., Stability of Itô-Volterra integrodifferential equations of neutral type, 352-360 [Zbl 1203.60092]
Özkaya, E.; Tekin, A., Non-linear transverse vibrations of a clamped multi-stepped beam, 361-368 [Zbl 1203.74085]
Pagnoncelli, Bernardo K.; Tomei, Carlos; Bortolossi, Humberto J., A geometric approach to hydrothermal scheduling with variable production coefficient, 369-375 [Zbl 1203.90061]
Parthasarathy, S.; Manikandakumar, K.; Ganesan, K.; Jothi, R.; Natarajan, R., Chaos game representation of protein sequence families, 376-379 [Zbl 1203.37132]
Pederson, S.; Sambandham, M., On the numerical treatment of hybrid stochastic differential systems, 380-385 [Zbl 1203.65021]
Peng, Chuang, Fuzzy numbers, fuzzy elements, and their additive properties, 386-393 [Zbl 1203.03085]
Piette, B.; Zakrzewski, W. J., Scattering of sine-Gordon kinks and breathers on a finite width well, 394-401 [Zbl 1203.81065]
Pisani, Lorenzo; Siciliano, Gaetano, Some results on the Schrödinger-Poisson system in a bounded domain, 402-406 [Zbl 1203.35100]
Prástaro, Agostino, On quantum black-hole solutions of quantum super Yang-Mills equations, 407-414 [Zbl 1203.83014]
Raghavendra, V., An overview of implicit differential equations, 415-419 [Zbl 1203.34004]
Rao, S. Chandra Sekhara; Kumar, Mukesh, Parameter-uniformly convergent hybrid scheme for singularly perturbed boundary-value problems, 420-424 [Zbl 1203.65117]
Saimi, Nabil, Modeling electricity spot prices: statistical analysis and stylized facts, 425-434 [Zbl 1203.91316]
Salvatore, A., Some multiplicity results for a class of elliptic systems, 435-441 [Zbl 1203.35096]
Schaefer, Philip W., Lower bounds for blow-up time in some porous medium problems, 442-445 [Zbl 1203.35143]
Shih, Shou Hsing; Koutras, Dennis, Analytical model for economic forecasting, 446-452 [Zbl 1203.91235]
Shih, Shou Hsing; Tsokos, Chris P., New nonstationary time series models with economic applications, 453-460 [Zbl 1203.91236]
Tsokos, Chris P., Statistical modeling of global warming, 461-465 [Zbl 1203.86020]
Tunç, Cemil, On the boundedness of solutions of nonlinear differential equations of fifth-order with delay, 466-473 [Zbl 1203.34105]
Vasilyev, Vladimir B., Discrete convolutions and difference equations, 474-480 [Zbl 1203.34100]
Verriest, Erik I., Lie-exponentials, tadpole diagrams and frogspawn: explicit solutions to autonomous nonlinear systems, 481-488 [Zbl 1203.34007]
Vidal, Claudio; Cuevas, Claudio; del Campo, Luis, Weighted exponential trichotomy of difference equations, 489-495 [Zbl 1203.39003]
Wang, Lianwen, Approximate controllability of semilinear control systems with unbounded delay, 496-502 [Zbl 1203.93028]
Wassef, Wafik A., Mathematical model for action potentials, 503-509 [Zbl 1203.37133]
Webb, J. R. L., A unified approach to nonlocal boundary value problems, 510-515 [Zbl 1203.34033]
Wong, S. M.; Li, T. S.; Wu, X. G.; Shen, Y. M., Numerical simulation of shallow water flows using planar 2-D algebraic-stress model in curvilinear coordinates, 516-521 [Zbl 1203.76121]
Zeng, Hongbiao, A new NP problem for a math game, 522-526 [Zbl 1203.68053]
Zima, Mirosława, Existence of positive solutions for a second-order three-point boundary value problem at resonance, 527-532 [Zbl 1203.34035]


35-06 Proceedings, conferences, collections, etc. pertaining to partial differential equations
62-06 Proceedings, conferences, collections, etc. pertaining to statistics
65-06 Proceedings, conferences, collections, etc. pertaining to numerical analysis
00B25 Proceedings of conferences of miscellaneous specific interest


Zbl 1054.34001