
Propositional dynamic logic for message-passing systems. (English) Zbl 1201.03016

Summary: We examine a bidirectional propositional dynamic logic (PDL) for finite and infinite message sequence charts (MSCs) extending LTL and TLC\(^{-}\). By this kind of multi-modal logic we can express properties both in the entire future and in the past of an event. Path expressions strengthen the classical until operator of temporal logic. For every formula defining an MSC language, we construct a communicating finite-state machine (CFM) accepting the same language. The CFM obtained has size exponential in the size of the formula. This synthesis problem is solved in full generality, i.e., also for MSCs with unbounded channels. The model checking problem for CFMs and HMSCs turns out to be in PSPACE for existentially bounded MSCs. Finally, we show that, for PDL with intersection, the semantics of a formula cannot be captured by a CFM anymore.


03B70 Logic in computer science
03B44 Temporal logic
68Q60 Specification and verification (program logics, model checking, etc.)
68Q85 Models and methods for concurrent and distributed computing (process algebras, bisimulation, transition nets, etc.)


Zbl 1135.03335
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