
Mathematical morphology. From theory to applications. Adapted and updated from the two French volumes edited 2008 and 2010. (English) Zbl 1198.94012

London: ISTE; Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons (ISBN 978-1-84821-215-2/hbk). xix, 507 p. (2010).

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The articles of this volume will be reviewed individually.
Indexed articles:
Najman, Laurent; Talbot, Hugues, Introduction to mathematical morphology, 3-33 [Zbl 1214.94015]
Ronse, Christian; Serra, Jean, Algebraic foundations of morphology, 35-80 [Zbl 1272.06012]
Bertrand, Gilles; Couprie, Michel; Cousty, Jean; Najman, Laurent, Watersheds in discrete spaces, 81-107 [Zbl 1232.05087]
Talbot, Hugues; Serra, Jean; Najman, Laurent, An introduction to measurement theory for image analysis, 111-131 [Zbl 1216.94020]
Lantuéjoul, Christian, Stochastic methods, 133-153 [Zbl 1214.94014]
Bloch, Isabelle, Fuzzy sets and mathematical morphology, 155-176 [Zbl 1216.94071]
Salembier, Philippe, Connected operators based on tree pruning strategies, 179-198 [Zbl 1214.94016]
Serra, Jean; Vachier, Corinne; Meyer, Fernand, Levelings, 199-228 [Zbl 1216.94017]
Meyer, Fernand; Najman, Laurent, Segmentation, minimum spanning tree and hierarchies, 229-261 [Zbl 1223.94004]
Couprie, Michel; Talbot, Hugues, Distance, granulometry and skeleton, 265-289 [Zbl 1216.94010]
Angulo, Jesus; Chanussot, Jocelyn, Color and multivariate images, 291-321 [Zbl 1216.94006]
Géraud, Thierry; Talbot, Hugues; van Droogenbroeck, Marc, Algorithms for mathematical morphology, 323-353 [Zbl 1219.68162]
Wilkinson, Michael; Urbach, Erik; Jalba, André; Roerdink, Jos, Diatom identification with mathematical morphology, 357-365 [Zbl 1214.94019]
Cousty, Jean; Najman, Laurent; Couprie, Michel, Spatio-temporal cardiac segmentation, 367-373 [Zbl 1214.94008]
Naegel, Benoît; Passat, Nicolas; Ronse, Christian, 3D angiographic image segmentation, 375-383 [Zbl 1221.94011]
Bloomberg, Dan; Vincent, Luc, Document image applications, 407-420 [Zbl 1214.94006]
Jeulin, Dominique, Analysis and modeling of 3D microstructures, 421-444 [Zbl 1214.94012]
Serra, Jean, Random spreads and forest fires, 445455 [Zbl 1214.94018]


94-06 Proceedings, conferences, collections, etc. pertaining to information and communication theory
94A08 Image processing (compression, reconstruction, etc.) in information and communication theory
68U10 Computing methodologies for image processing
00B15 Collections of articles of miscellaneous specific interest