
Quantum cryptography and computing. Theory and implementation. Selected papers based on the presentations at the workshop, Gdansk, Poland, September 9–12, 2009. (English) Zbl 1194.81015

NATO Science for Peace and Security Series D: Information and Communication Security 26. Amsterdam: IOS Press (ISBN 978-1-60750-546-4/hbk; 978-1-60750-547-1/ebook). ix, 261 p. (2010).

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The articles of this volume will be reviewed individually.
Indexed articles:
Demkowicz-Dobrzański, Rafał, Optimal local protocols for processing of entangled states – local cloning and eavesdropping, 3-17 [Zbl 1197.81073]
Molotkov, Sergei N., Phase-time coding quantum cryptography, 41-65 [Zbl 1197.81106]
Renner, Renato, Simplifying information-theoretic arguments by post-selection, 66-75 [Zbl 1197.81107]
Scarani, Valerio, QKD: a million signal task, 76-82 [Zbl 1197.81108]
Usenko, Vladyslav C.; Filip, Radim, Trusted noise in continuous-variable quantum key distribution, 99-107 [Zbl 1197.81110]
Ambainis, Andris, Quantum algorithms for formula evaluation, 115-124 [Zbl 1206.68125]
Bravyi, Sergey; Poulin, David; Terhal, Barbara, Tradeoffs for reliable quantum information storage in 2D systems, 125-137 [Zbl 1197.81083]
Chiang, Chen-Fu; Wocjan, Pawel, Quantum algorithm for preparing thermal Gibbs states – detailed analysis, 138-147 [Zbl 1206.81032]
Nizovtsev, Alexander P.; Kilin, Sergei Ya.; Pushkarchuk, Alexander L.; Pushkarchuk, Vadim A.; Kuten, Semen A., Spin-Hamiltonian analysis of registers on single NV center and proximal \(^{13}C\) nuclei in diamond, 148-157 [Zbl 1197.81093]
Czekaj, Łukasz; Korbicz, Jarek K.; Chhajlany, Ravindra W.; Horodecki, Paweł, Superadditivity of multiple access Gaussian channels, 171-178 [Zbl 1197.81072]
Golubev, Yuri; Golubeva, Tania; Samburskaya, Ksenia, Multi-pixel sources of entangled light in the correlation measurements without homodyne detection, 179-193 [Zbl 1197.81057]
Grudka, Andrzej; Modławska, Joanna, Nonmultiplicativity of probability of faithful teleportation in the Knill-Laflamme-Milburn scheme, 195-200 [Zbl 1197.81076]
Mikhalychev, Alexander B.; Kilin, Sergei Ya., Continuous variable entanglement creation by means of small cross-Kerr nonlinearity, 201-211 [Zbl 1197.81062]
Moiseev, Sergey Andreevich; Moiseev, Evgenii Sergeevich, Multi mode nano scale Raman echo quantum memory, 212-223 [Zbl 1197.81091]
Pawłowski, Marcin; Horodecki, Karol; Horodecki, Paweł; Horodecki, Ryszard, Local bounds for general Bell inequalities with the reduced entropy of the settings, 224-230 [Zbl 1197.81064]
Sheremet, Alexandra S.; Mishina, Oxana S.; Giacobino, Elisabeth; Kupriyanov, Dmitriy V., Atomic quantum memories for light, 231-238 [Zbl 1197.81096]
Usenko, Constantin V., Observable measures of entanglement, 239-248 [Zbl 1197.81067]


81-06 Proceedings, conferences, collections, etc. pertaining to quantum theory
81P68 Quantum computation
81P94 Quantum cryptography (quantum-theoretic aspects)
00B25 Proceedings of conferences of miscellaneous specific interest