
Financial cryptography and data security. 14th international conference, FC 2010, Tenerife, Canary Islands, January 25–28, 2010. Revised selected papers. (English) Zbl 1193.94006

Lecture Notes in Computer Science 6052. Berlin: Springer (ISBN 978-3-642-14576-6/pbk). xii, 432 p. (2010).

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The articles of mathematical interest will be reviewed individually. For the preceding conference see [Zbl 1178.94005].
Table of contents (43 chapters):
Ueli Maurer, Constructive cryptography – a primer (1); Jean-Pierre Hubaux, Security Mechanisms with Selfish Players in Wireless Networks (2); Lorrie Faith Cranor, Users Do the Darndest Things: True Stories from the CyLab Usable Privacy and Security Laboratory (3); Frank Stajano, Ford-Long Wong, and Bruce Christianson, Multichannel Protocols to Prevent Relay Attacks (4–19); Tom Chothia and Vitaliy Smirnov, A Traceability Attack against e-Passports (20–34); Octavian Catrina and Amitabh Saxena, Secure Computation with Fixed-Point Numbers (35–50); Paul A. Karger, David C. Toll, Elaine R. Palmer, Suzanne K. McIntosh, Samuel Weber and Jonathan W. Edwards, Implementing a High-Assurance Smart-Card OS (51–65); Jan Camenisch, Maria Dubovitskaya and Gregory Neven, Unlinkable Priced Oblivious Transfer with Rechargeable Wallets (66–81); Sébastien Canard and Aline Gouget, Multiple Denominations in E-cash with Compact Transaction Data (82–97); Joseph Bonneau, Mike Just and Greg Matthews, What’s in a Name? (98–113).
Benedikt Westermann, Rolf Wendolsky, Lexi Pimenidis and Dogan Kesdogan, Cryptographic protocol analysis of AN.ON (114–128); Sven Schäge and Jörg Schwenk, A CDH-based ring signature scheme with short signatures and sublic keys (129–142); Emiliano De Cristofaro and Gene Tsudik, Practical private set intersection protocols with linear complexity (143–159); Mathias Björkqvist, Christian Cachin, Robert Haas, Xiao-Yu Hu, Anil Kurmus, René Pawlitzek and Marko Vukolić, Design and implementation of a key-lifecycle management system (160–174); Tyler Moore and Benjamin Edelman, Measuring the perpetrators and funders of typosquatting (175–191); Adam Barth, Benjamin I. P. Rubinstein, Mukund Sundararajan, John C. Mitchell, Dawn Song and Peter L. Bartlett, A learning-based approach to reactive security (192–206).
Kimmo Järvinen, Vladimir Kolesnikov, Ahmad-Reza Sadeghi and Thomas Schneider, Embedded SFE: Offloading server and network using hardware tokens (207–221); Tal Moran and Tyler Moore, The Phish-Market protocol: Securely sharing attack data between competitors (222–237); Tsuen-Wan (Johnny) Ngan, Roger Dingledine and Dan S. Wallach, Building incentives into Tor (238–256); Aggelos Kiayias and Moti Yung, Tree-homomorphic encryption and scalable hierarchical secret-ballot elections (257–271); Prithvi Bisht, A. Prasad Sistla and V. N. Venkatakrishnan, Automatically Preparing Safe SQL Queries (272–288); Dan Kaminsky, Meredith L. Patterson, Len Sassaman, PKI layer cake: new collision attacks against the global X.509 infrastructure (289–303).
Xiaofeng Chen, Fangguo Zhang, Haibo Tian, Qianhong Wu, Yi Mu, Jangseong Kim and Kwangjo Kim, Three-round abuse-free optimistic contract signing with everlasting secrecy (304–311); Ryan W. Gardner, Sujata Garera and Aviel D. Rubin, Designing for Audit: a Voting Machine with a Tiny TCB (312–319); Daniel Bußmeyer, Felix Gröbert, Jörg Schwenk and Christoph Wegener, Attacking of SmartCard-based banking applications with JavaScript-based rootkits (320–327); Ulrich Rührmair, Christian Jaeger, Christian Hilgers, Michael Algasinger, Győrgy Csaba and Martin Stutzmann, Security applications of diodes with unique current-voltage characteristics (328–335); Steven J. Murdoch and Ross Anderson, Verified by Visa and MasterCard SecureCode: or, how not to design authentication (336–342); Timo Kasper, Michael Silbermann and Christof Paar, All You Can Eat or breaking a real-world contactless payment system, (343–350); Toni Perković, Mario Čagalj and Nitesh Saxena, Shoulder-surfing safe login in a partially observable attacker model (351–358); Aniket Kate and Ian Goldberg, Using Sphinx to improve onion routing circuit construction (359–366); Ivan Damgård and Marcel Keller, Secure multiparty AES (367–374); Jorge Guajardo, Bart Mennink and Berry Schoenmakers, Modulo reduction for Paillier encryptions and application to secure statistical analysis (375–382); Feng Hao, On robust key agreement based on public key authentication (383–390); Bogdan Groza and Marius Minea, A formal approach for automated reasoning about off-line and undetectable on-line guessing (391–399).
John Bethencourt, Elaine Shi and Dawn Song, Signatures of reputation (400–407); William Yuen, Paul Syverson, Zhenming Liu and Christopher Thorpe, Intention-disguised algorithmic trading (408–415); Jens Grossklags, Benjamin Johnson and Nicolas Christin, When information improves information security (416–423); Teik Guan Tan, BetterThanPin: Empowering Users to Fight Phishing (Poster) (424); Pern Hui Chia, Certification Intermediaries and the Alternative (Poster) (425); Sławomir Grzonkowski, SeDiCi: An authentication service taking advantage of zero-knowledge proofs (426); Pino Caballero-Gil, Jezabel Molina-Gil, Cándido Caballero-Gil and Candelaria Hernández-Goya, Poster Abstract: Security in commercial applications of vehicular ad-hoc networks (427); Lilia Georgieva, Domain engineering for automatic analysis of financial applications of cryptographic protocols (428); Shujun Li, Ahmad-Reza Sadeghi, Roland Schmitz, hPIN/hTAN: Low-cost e-banking secure against untrusted computers (429).
Indexed articles:
Maurer, Ueli, Constructive cryptography – a primer. (Abstract), 1 [Zbl 1309.94148]
Schäge, Sven; Schwenk, Jörg, A CDH-based ring signature scheme with short signatures and public keys, 129-142 [Zbl 1309.94152]
Damgård, Ivan; Keller, Marcel, Secure multiparty AES. (Short paper), 367-374 [Zbl 1309.94140]
Bethencourt, John; Shi, Elaine; Song, Dawn, Signatures of reputation. (Extended abstract), 400-407 [Zbl 1309.94136]


94-06 Proceedings, conferences, collections, etc. pertaining to information and communication theory
91-06 Proceedings, conferences, collections, etc. pertaining to game theory, economics, and finance
94A60 Cryptography
91B44 Economics of information
00B25 Proceedings of conferences of miscellaneous specific interest


Zbl 1178.94005
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