
Meeting the entropy challenge. An international thermodynamics symposium in honor and memory of Professor Joseph H. Keenan, Cambridge, MA, USA, October 4–5, 2007. (English) Zbl 1193.00061

AIP Conference Proceedings 1033. Melville, NY: American Institute of Physics (AIP) (ISBN 978-0-7354-0557-8/hbk). xx, 382 p. (2008).

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The articles of this volume will be reviewed individually.
Indexed articles:
Keenan, Joseph H., Autobiographical notes: Joseph H. Keenan (1900–1977), 11-33 [Zbl 1213.80001]
Hatsopoulos, George N.; Beretta, Gian Paolo, Where is the entropy challenge?, 34-54 [Zbl 1219.80007]
Bedeaux, Dick, The second law and statistical mechanics, 55-65 [Zbl 1219.80003]
Bennett, Charles H., The second law and quantum physics, 66-79 [Zbl 1215.80005]
Tegmark, Max, The second law and cosmology, 80-89 [Zbl 1215.80007]
Dill, Ken A., The second law and biology, 90-110 [Zbl 1216.80003]
Gyftopoulos, Elias P., Building on the legacy of Professor Keenan. Entropy an intrinsic property of matter, 124-141 [Zbl 1222.82049]
Lloyd, Seth, The once and future second law of thermodynamics, 143-152 [Zbl 1215.80002]
Guiasu, Silviu, Reversibility paradox revisited, 156-163 [Zbl 1215.82034]
Ao, Ping, Emergence of thermodynamics from Darwinian dynamics, 164-169 [Zbl 1219.80002]
Gemmer, Jochen, Relaxation in incompletely observed quantum systems, 170-173 [Zbl 1215.82023]
Beretta, Gian Paolo, The second law from locally maximal entropy generation quantum dynamics, 180-187 [Zbl 1215.82032]
Gheorghiu-Svirschevski, Speranta, The second law and quantum evolution: lessons in entanglement, locality and separability, 188-193 [Zbl 1215.80006]
Rubi, Miguel, The second law for small systems, 219-222 [Zbl 1215.82036]
Kjelstrup, Signe, Mesoscopic non-equilibrium thermodynamics and biological systems, 223-228 [Zbl 1215.82035]
Jou, David, Generalized transport equations and extended irreversible thermodynamics, 229-234 [Zbl 1215.82042]
Grmela, Miroslav, Contact geometry of nonequilibrium thermodynamics, 235-240 [Zbl 1215.82033]
Butler, Howard W., The evolving second law, 271-275 [Zbl 1215.80001]
Foley, Andrew C., Entropy, the second law and the concept of ‘bad’ energy!, 276-282 [Zbl 1217.80003]
Zanchini, Enzo; Beretta, Gian Paolo, Rigorous axiomatic definition of entropy valid also for non-equilibrium states, 296-301 [Zbl 1215.82037]
von Spakovsky, Michael R., The second law: a unified approach to thermodynamics applicable to all systems and all states, 302-308 [Zbl 1219.80008]
Ydstie, B. Erik, Availability and dissipativity in networks: foundations of process control, 350-355 [Zbl 1253.80001]
Zevenhoven, Ron, Can the infrared radiation that causes the enhanced greenhouse effect be put to better use?, 356-360 [Zbl 1215.80009]
Zhang, Zhuomin M., Radiation entropy and near-field thermophotovoltaics, 361-364 [Zbl 1215.80004]


00B25 Proceedings of conferences of miscellaneous specific interest
00A79 Physics
00B30 Festschriften
80-06 Proceedings, conferences, collections, etc. pertaining to classical thermodynamics
80Axx Thermodynamics and heat transfer

Biographic References:

Keenan, Joseph H.