
Spherical functions for the action of a finite unitary group on a finite Heisenberg group. (English) Zbl 1182.43014

Gordon, Carolyn S. (ed.) et al., New developments in Lie theory and geometry. Proceedings of the 6th workshop on Lie theory and geometry, Cruz Chica, Córdoba, Argentina, November 13–17, 2007. Providence, RI: American Mathematical Society (AMS) (ISBN 978-0-8218-4651-3/pbk). Contemporary Mathematics 491, 151-166 (2009).
Let \(H_n=H_n(\mathbb R)\) be the Heisenberg group which can be identified with \(\mathbb R^{n}\times\mathbb R^{n} \times\mathbb R=\mathbb C^n \times\mathbb R\). The action of the unitary group \(U(n)=U(n,\mathbb C)\) on the Heisenberg group \(H_n\) yields a Gelfand pair \((U(n) \ltimes H_n,U(n))\) whose bounded spherical functions are well known where \(U(n) \ltimes H_n\) is the semidirect product of \(U(n)\) and \(H_n\). In this paper the authors derive a discrete counterpart by replacing the real numbers by a finite field of odd characteristic.
Let \(\mathbb F=\mathbb F_{q}\) denote the field with \(q\) elements where \(q=p^m\) for some odd prime \(p\) and positive integer \(m\). Choose any non-square \(\varepsilon \in \mathbb F^{\times} \setminus\mathbb F^{\times})^2\) in \(\mathbb F\) and form the quadratic extension field \(\widetilde{\mathbb F}=\mathbb F(\sqrt{\varepsilon})\).
We adapt complex notation to \(\widetilde{\mathbb F}\), writing, for \(z=x+y\sqrt{\varepsilon} \in \widetilde{\mathbb F}\), \(\bar{z}=x-y\sqrt{\varepsilon}\).
\[ \langle {\mathbf z},{\mathbf z}' \rangle =z_{1}\bar z'_{1}+\cdots +z_{n}\bar z'_{n} \]
is a Hermitian inner product on \(\widetilde{\mathbb F}^n\). The unitary group \(U(n,\widetilde{\mathbb F})\) is the set of \(\widetilde{\mathbb F}\)-linear transformations on \(\widetilde{\mathbb F}^n\) preserving \(\langle \cdot , \cdot \rangle\).
Let \(H_{n}(\mathbb F)=\mathbb F^{n}\times\mathbb F^{n}\times\mathbb F =\widetilde{\mathbb F}^n \times \mathbb F\) denote the associated Heisenberg group. The action of the unitary group \(U(n,\widetilde{\mathbb F})\) on \(H_{n}(\mathbb F)\) yields a finite Gelfand pair \((U(n,\widetilde{\mathbb F}) \ltimes H_n(\mathbb F), U(n,\widetilde{\mathbb F}))\).
Spherical functions for this finite Gelfand pair are computed explicitly. These formulae resemble the classical Gauss sums.
For the entire collection see [Zbl 1170.22002].


43A90 Harmonic analysis and spherical functions
20C15 Ordinary representations and characters
11T24 Other character sums and Gauss sums