
Some new approaches to integer-valued polynomial rings. (English) Zbl 1177.13053

Fontana, Marco (ed.) et al., Commutative algebra and its applications. Proceedings of the fifth international Fez conference on commutative algebra and applications, Fez, Morocco, June 23–28, 2009. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter (ISBN 978-3-11-020746-0/hbk). 223-237 (2009).
Summary: We present some new results on and approaches to integer-valued polynomial rings. One of our results is that, for any PvMD \(D\), the domain Int\((D)\) of integer-valued polynomials on \(D\) is locally free as a \(D\)-module if Int\((D_{\mathfrak p})=\text{Int}(D))_{\mathfrak p}\) for every prime ideal \({\mathfrak p}\) of \(D\). This fact allows us in particular to strengthen the main results of [J. Algebra 318, 68–92 (2007; Zbl 1129.13022)], to prove, for example, that the multivariable integer-valued polynomial ring Int\((D^n)\) decomposes as the \(n\)-th tensor power of Int\((D)\) over \(D\) for any such PuMD \(D\). We also present a survey of some new techniques for studying integer-valued polynomial rings – such as universal properties, tensor product decompositions, pullback constructions, and Bhargava rings – that may prove useful.
For the entire collection see [Zbl 1175.13001].


13F20 Polynomial rings and ideals; rings of integer-valued polynomials
13F05 Dedekind, Prüfer, Krull and Mori rings and their generalizations
13G05 Integral domains


Zbl 1129.13022