
Global calibrations for the non-homogeneous Mumford-Shah functional. (English) Zbl 1170.49308

Summary: Using a calibration method we prove that, if \(\Gamma\subset \Omega\) is a closed regular hypersurface and if the function \(g\) is discontinuous along \(\Gamma\) and regular outside, then the function \(u_\beta\) which solves \[ \begin{cases} \Delta u_\beta=\beta(u_\beta-g)\quad &\text{in }\Omega\backslash\Gamma\\ \partial_\nu u_\beta=0\quad & \text{on }\partial\Omega\cup\Gamma\end{cases} \] is in turn discontinuous along \(\Gamma\) and it is the unique absolute minimizer of the non-homogeneous Mumford-Shah functional \[ \int_{\Omega \backslash S_u}|\nabla u|^2dx +{\mathcal H}^{n-1}(S_u)+\beta \int_{\Omega\backslash S_u}(u-g)^2dx, \] over \(SBV (\Omega)\), for \(\beta\) large enough. Applications of the result to the study of the gradient flow by the method of minimizing movements are shown.


49K10 Optimality conditions for free problems in two or more independent variables
49Q20 Variational problems in a geometric measure-theoretic setting


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