
Multi-agent programming. Languages, tools and applications. (English) Zbl 1169.68001

New York, NY: Springer (ISBN 978-0-387-89298-6/hbk; 978-0-387-89299-3/ebook). xxx, 389 p. (2009).

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Indexed articles:
Fisher, Michael; Hepple, Anthony, Executing logical agent specifications, 1-27 [Zbl 1185.68205]
Sierhuis, Maarten; Clancey, William J.; Van Hoof, Ron J. J., Brahms. An agent-oriented language for work practice simulation and multi-agent systems development, 73-117 [Zbl 1185.68209]
Hindriks, Koen V., Programming rational agents in GOAL, 119-157 [Zbl 1185.68140]
Muldoon, Conor; O’Hare, Gregory M. P.; Collier, Rem W.; O’Grady, Michael J., Towards pervasive intelligence: reflections on the evolution of the Agent Factory framework, 187-212 [Zbl 1189.68149]
Poutakidis, David; Winikoff, Michael; Padgham, Lin; Zhang, Zhiyong, Debugging and testing of multi-agent systems using design artefacts, 215-258 [Zbl 1186.68476]
Ricci, Alessandro; Piunti, Michele; Viroli, Mirko; Omicini, Andrea, Environment programming in CArtAgO, 259-288 [Zbl 1189.68150]
Hindriks, Koen V.; Jonker, Catholijn M.; Tykhonov, Dmytro, A multi-agent environment for negotiation, 333-363 [Zbl 1186.68475]


68-06 Proceedings, conferences, collections, etc. pertaining to computer science
68N19 Other programming paradigms (object-oriented, sequential, concurrent, automatic, etc.)
68T05 Learning and adaptive systems in artificial intelligence
00B15 Collections of articles of miscellaneous specific interest


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