
Symbolic and quantitative approaches to reasoning with uncertainty. 10th European conference, ECSQARU 2009, Verona, Italy, July 1–3, 2009. Proceedings. (English) Zbl 1165.68020

Lecture Notes in Computer Science 5590. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence. Berlin: Springer (ISBN 978-3-642-02905-9/pbk). xvii, 936 p. (2009).

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The articles of this volume will be reviewed individually. The preceding conference has been reviewed (see Zbl 1143.68010).
Indexed articles:
Bloch, Isabelle, Fuzzy and bipolar mathematical morphology, applications in spatial reasoning, 1-13 [Zbl 1182.68295]
Mundici, Daniele, Conditionals and independence in many-valued logics, 16-21 [Zbl 1245.03031]
Benavoli, Alessio; de Campos, Cassio P., Inference from multinomial data based on a MLE-dominance criterion, 22-33 [Zbl 1245.62065]
Fargier, Hélène; Wilson, Nic, Local computation schemes with partially ordered preferences, 34-45 [Zbl 1245.68212]
Shenoy, Prakash P.; West, James C., Inference in hybrid Bayesian networks with deterministic variables, 46-58 [Zbl 1245.62020]
Amgoud, Leila; de Saint-Cyr, Florence Dupin, Extracting the core of a persuasion dialog to evaluate its quality, 59-70 [Zbl 1245.68179]
Amgoud, Leila; Vesic, Srdjan, On revising argumentation-based decision systems, 71-82 [Zbl 1245.91018]
Baroni, Pietro; Cerutti, Federico; Giacomin, Massimiliano; Guida, Giovanni, Encompassing attacks to attacks in abstract argumentation frameworks, 83-94 [Zbl 1203.68198]
Bodanza, Gustavo Adrián; Auday, Marcelo Roberto, Social argument justification: some mechanisms and conditions for their coincidence, 95-106 [Zbl 1245.91014]
Boella, Guido; Kaci, Souhila; van der Torre, Leendert, Dynamics in argumentation with single extensions: Abstraction principles and the grounded extension, 107-118 [Zbl 1245.91015]
Efstathiou, Vasiliki; Hunter, Anthony, An algorithm for generating arguments in classical predicate logic, 119-130 [Zbl 1245.03014]
Gómez Lucero, Mauro J.; Chesñevar, Carlos I.; Simari, Guillermo R., Modelling argument accrual in possibilistic defeasible logic programming, 131-143 [Zbl 1245.68186]
Moguillansky, Martín O.; Rotstein, Nicolás D.; Falappa, Marcelo A.; Simari, Guillermo R., Generalized abstract argumentation: handling arguments in FOL fragments, 144-155 [Zbl 1245.68189]
Cano, Andrés; Gómez-Olmedo, Manuel; Moral, Serafín, Binary probability trees for Bayesian networks inference, 180-191 [Zbl 1203.68200]
de Waal, Peter R., Marginals of DAG-isomorphic independence models, 192-203 [Zbl 1245.60014]
Flesch, Ildikó; Lucas, Peter J. F., The probabilistic interpretation of model-based diagnosis, 204-215 [Zbl 1245.62002]
Flesch, Ildikó; Postma, Eric O., Simplifying learning in non-repetitive dynamic Bayesian networks, 216-227 [Zbl 1245.68154]
Ibrahim, Zina M.; Tawfik, Ahmed Y.; Ngom, Alioune, Surprise-based qualitative probabilistic networks, 228-239 [Zbl 1245.62180]
Langseth, Helge; Nielsen, Thomas D.; Rumí, Rafael; Salmerón, Antonio, Maximum likelihood learning of conditional MTE distributions, 240-251 [Zbl 1245.62017]
Burger, Thomas; Caplier, Alice, A generalization of the pignistic transform for partial bet, 252-263 [Zbl 1245.91019]
Cholvy, Laurence, Using logic to understand relations between DSmT and Dempster-Shafer theory, 264-274 [Zbl 1245.68206]
Cuzzolin, Fabio, Complexes of outer consonant approximations, 275-286 [Zbl 1245.68208]
Cuzzolin, Fabio, The intersection probability and its properties, 287-298 [Zbl 1245.68209]
Destercke, Sébastien; Dubois, Didier, Can the minimum rule of possibility theory be extended to belief functions?, 299-310 [Zbl 1245.68210]
Dubois, Didier; Fargier, Hélène, Capacity refinements and their application to qualitative decision evaluation, 311-322 [Zbl 1245.68211]
Masson, Marie-Hélène; Denoeux, Thierry, Belief functions and cluster ensembles, 323-334 [Zbl 1203.68164]
Miranda, Enrique; Couso, Inés; Gil, Pedro, Upper probabilities attainable by distributions of measurable selections, 335-346 [Zbl 1245.68218]
Condotta, Jean-François; Kaci, Souhila; Marquis, Pierre; Schwind, Nicolas, Merging qualitative constraints networks using propositional logic, 347-358 [Zbl 1245.68182]
Doukari, Omar; Würbel, Eric; Jeansoulin, Robert, Distance-based semantics for \(C\)-structure belief revision, 359-370 [Zbl 1245.03020]
Hué, Julien; Papini, Odile; Würbel, Eric, Merging belief bases represented by logic programs, 371-382 [Zbl 1245.68187]
Hunter, Anthony; Liu, Weiru, Knowledge base stratification and merging based on degree of support, 383-395 [Zbl 1245.68194]
Konieczny, Sébastien, Using transfinite ordinal conditional functions, 396-407 [Zbl 1245.68188]
Ma, Jianbing; Liu, Weiru; Hunter, Anthony, The non-archimedean polynomials and merging of stratified knowledge bases, 408-420 [Zbl 1245.68196]
Sérayet, Mariette; Drap, Pierre; Papini, Odile, Encoding the revision of partially preordered information in answer set programming, 421-433 [Zbl 1203.68209]
Yang, Fangkai; Qi, Guilin; Huang, Zhisheng, A distance-based operator to revising ontologies in DL \(\mathcal{SHOQ}\), 434-445 [Zbl 1245.68190]
Cano, Andrés; Masegosa, Andrés R.; Moral, Serafín, A Bayesian random split to build ensembles of classification trees, 469-480 [Zbl 1245.62075]
Flores, M. Julia; Gámez, José A.; Martínez, Ana M.; Puerta, José M., HODE: hidden one-dependence estimator, 481-492 [Zbl 1245.62076]
Jenhani, Ilyes; Benferhat, Salem; Elouedi, Zied, On the use of clustering in possibilistic decision tree induction, 505-517 [Zbl 1245.68214]
van der Gaag, Linda C.; Renooij, Silja; Steeneveld, Wilma; Hogeveen, Henk, When in doubt …be indecisive, 518-529 [Zbl 1245.62081]
Baioletti, Marco; Busanello, Giuseppe; Vantaggi, Barbara, Acyclic directed graphs to represent conditional independence models, 530-541 [Zbl 1203.68120]
Bouchon-Meunier, Bernadette; Coletti, Giulianella; Lesot, Marie-Jeanne; Rifqi, Maria, Towards a conscious choice of a similarity measure: a qualitative point of view, 542-553 [Zbl 1245.68204]
Coletti, Giulianella; Scozzafava, Romano; Vantaggi, Barbara, Integrated likelihood in a finitely additive setting, 554-565 [Zbl 1245.62012]
Savicky, Petr; Vomlel, Jiří, Triangulation heuristics for BN2O networks, 566-577 [Zbl 1245.62019]
Besnard, Philippe; Grégoire, Éric; Ramon, Sébastien, A default logic patch for default logic, 578-589 [Zbl 1245.68180]
Casini, Giovanni; Hosni, Hykel, A note on cumulative stereotypical reasoning, 590-601 [Zbl 1245.03045]
Dao-Tran, Minh; Eiter, Thomas; Krennwallner, Thomas, Realizing default logic over description logic knowledge bases, 602-613 [Zbl 1245.68183]
Garcia, Laurent; Ngoma, Stéphane; Nicolas, Pascal, Dealing automatically with exceptions by introducing specificity in ASP, 614-625 [Zbl 1245.68185]
Lawry, Jonathan; González-Rodríguez, Inés, Generalised label semantics as a model of epistemic vagueness, 626-637 [Zbl 1203.68204]
Miclet, Laurent; Prade, Henri, Handling analogical proportions in classical logic and fuzzy logics settings, 638-650 [Zbl 1245.03046]
Perović, Aleksandar; Ognjanović, Zoran; Rašković, Miodrag; Marković, Zoran, Qualitative possibilities and necessities, 651-662 [Zbl 1245.68219]
Saad, Emad, Probabilistic reasoning by SAT solvers, 663-675 [Zbl 1245.68221]
Bobillo, Fernando; Straccia, Umberto, Supporting fuzzy rough sets in fuzzy description logics, 676-687 [Zbl 1245.68181]
Kramosil, Ivan, Possibilistic measures taking their values in spaces given by inclusion-closed fragments of power-sets, 688-699 [Zbl 1245.68216]
Liang, Jiuzhen; Navara, Mirko; Vetterlein, Thomas, Different representations of fuzzy vectors, 700-711 [Zbl 1245.68217]
Prade, Henri; Rico, Agnès; Serrurier, Mathieu; Raufaste, Eric, Elicitating Sugeno integrals: methodology and a case study, 712-723 [Zbl 1245.91023]
Beyer, Jörg; Heesche, Kai; Hauptmann, Werner; Otte, Clemens; Kruse, Rudolf, Ensemble learning for multi-source information fusion, 748-756 [Zbl 1245.68153]
Bosc, Patrick; Pivert, Olivier; Soufflet, Olivier, Anti-division queries with ordinal layered preferences, 769-780 [Zbl 1203.68041]
Cobb, Barry R.; Rumí, Rafael; Salmerón, Antonio, Predicting stock and portfolio returns using mixtures of truncated exponentials, 781-792 [Zbl 1245.91103]
Arieli, Ofer; Zamansky, Anna, Non-deterministic distance semantics for handling incomplete and inconsistent data, 793-804 [Zbl 1245.68203]
Banerjee, Mohua; Dubois, Didier, A simple modal logic for reasoning about revealed beliefs, 805-816 [Zbl 1245.03019]
Benferhat, Salem; Yahi, Safa, Complexity and cautiousness results for reasoning from partially preordered belief bases, 817-828 [Zbl 1245.68191]
Khan, Md. Aquil; Banerjee, Mohua, A logic for complete information systems, 829-840 [Zbl 1245.68195]
Feng, Qi; Zhou, Xuezhong; Huang, Houkuan; Zhang, Xiaoping, An uncertainty-based belief selection method for POMDP value iteration, 841-849 [Zbl 1245.68213]
Krishnamurthy, Vikram, Optimal threshold policies for multivariate stopping-time POMDPs, 850-862 [Zbl 1245.62098]
Soubaras, Hélène, An evidential measure of risk in evidential Markov chains, 863-874 [Zbl 1245.68222]
Aguzzoli, Stefano; Gerla, Brunella; Marra, Vincenzo, Algebras of fuzzy sets in logics based on continuous triangular norms, 875-886 [Zbl 1245.03033]
Bova, Simone, Soft constraints processing over divisible residuated lattices, 887-898 [Zbl 1245.68171]
Ciungu, Lavinia Corina, On the convergence with fixed regulator in residuated structures, 899-910 [Zbl 1245.06021]
Codara, Pietro; D’Antona, Ottavio M.; Marra, Vincenzo, Open partitions and probability assignments in Gödel logic, 911-922 [Zbl 1245.03036]
Dellunde, Pilar; Godo, Lluís; Marchioni, Enrico, Exploring extensions of possibilistic logic over Gödel logic, 923-934 [Zbl 1203.03032]


68-06 Proceedings, conferences, collections, etc. pertaining to computer science
68T37 Reasoning under uncertainty in the context of artificial intelligence
00B25 Proceedings of conferences of miscellaneous specific interest


Zbl 1143.68010
Full Text: DOI