
Hamiltonian formulation and exact solutions of Bianchi type-I model in conformal gravity. (English) Zbl 1161.83310

Rainer, M. (ed.) et al., Current topics in mathematical cosmology: Proceedings of the international seminar held in Potsdam, Germany, March 30–April 4, 1998. Singapore: World Scientific Publishing (ISBN 981-02-3627-1/hbk). 3-10 (1999).
Summary: We develop a Hamiltonian formulation of Bianchi type-I cosmological model in conformal gravity, i.e., the theory described by a Lagrangian \(L=C_{abcd}C^{abcd}\), which involves the quadratic curvature invariant constructed from the Weyl tensor, in four dimensions. We derive the explicit forms of the super-Hamiltonian and the constraint expressing the conformal invariance of the theory, and we write down the system of canonical equations. To find out exact solutions to this system we add extra constraints on the canonical variables and we go through a global involution algorithm that possibly leads to the closure of the constraint algebra. This enables us to extract all possible particular solutions that may be written in closed analytical form. On the other hand, probing the local analytical structure we show that the system does not possess the Painlevé property (presence of movable logarithms) and that it is therefore not integrable. We stress that there is a very fruitful interplay of local integrability-related methods such as the Painlevé test and global techniques such as the involution algorithm. Strictly speaking, we demonstrate that the global involution algorithm has proven to be exhaustive in the search for exact solutions. The conformal relationship of the solutions, or absence thereof, with Einstein spaces is highlighted.
For the entire collection see [Zbl 0916.00023].


83C05 Einstein’s equations (general structure, canonical formalism, Cauchy problems)