
Nonarchimedean Green functions and dynamics on projective space. (English) Zbl 1161.32009

Summary: Let \({\varphi: \mathbb{P}^N_K\to\mathbb{P}^N_K}\) be a morphism of degree \(d \geq 2\) defined over a field \(K\) that is algebraically closed and complete with respect to a nonarchimedean absolute value. We prove that a modified Green function \({\hat{g}_\varphi}\) associated to \({\varphi}\) is Hölder continuous on \({\mathbb{P}^N(K)}\) and that the Fatou set \({\mathcal{F}(\varphi)}\) of \({\varphi}\) is equal to the set of points at which \({\hat{g}_\Phi}\) is locally constant. Further, \({\hat{g}_\varphi}\) vanishes precisely on the set of points \(P\) such that \({\varphi}\) has good reduction at every point in the forward orbit \({\mathcal{O}_\varphi(P)}\) of \(P\). We also prove that the iterates of \({\varphi}\) are locally uniformly Lipschitz on \({\mathcal{F}(\varphi)}\).


32P05 Non-Archimedean analysis
11G25 Varieties over finite and local fields
14G20 Local ground fields in algebraic geometry
32U35 Plurisubharmonic extremal functions, pluricomplex Green functions
37F10 Dynamics of complex polynomials, rational maps, entire and meromorphic functions; Fatou and Julia sets
37F50 Small divisors, rotation domains and linearization in holomorphic dynamics


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