
Nonlinear elliptic equations having a gradient term with natural growth. (English) Zbl 1158.35364

The authors deal with a class of nonlinear elliptic Dirichlet problems whose simplest model example is \[ -\Delta_p u= g(x)|\nabla u|^p+ f\quad\text{in }\Omega, \]
\[ u= 0\quad\text{on }\partial\Omega, \] where \(\Omega\) is a bounded open set in \(\mathbb{R}^N\), \(N\geq 2\), \(g\) is a continuous real function and \(\Delta_p\) denotes the so-called \(p\)-Laplacian \((p> 1)\). Under some natural assumptions on \(g\), \(f\) the authors prove the \(L^\infty\)-estimate and deduce the existence of bounded solutions. Moreover, the authors study the existence of unbounded solutions (and their regularity); in this context they use the more general framework of entropy solutions, which can be applied to the full range \(f\in L^m(\Omega)\), \(m> 1\). Furthermore, the authors present several examples concerning the optimality their results in the range of assumptions appeared in the paper.


35J60 Nonlinear elliptic equations
35B65 Smoothness and regularity of solutions to PDEs
35J25 Boundary value problems for second-order elliptic equations
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