
Asymptotic Green’s function in homogeneous anisotropic viscoelastic media. (English) Zbl 1152.74010

Summary: We derive an asymptotic Green’s function for homogeneous anisotropic viscoelastic media. The Green’s function for viscoelastic media is formally similar to that for elastic media, but its computation is more involved. The stationary slowness vector is, in general, complex-valued and inhomogeneous. Its computation involves finding two independent real-valued unit vectors which specify the directions of its real and imaginary parts and can be done either by iterations or by solving a system of coupled polynomial equations. When the stationary slowness direction is found, all quantities standing in Green’s function such as the slowness vector, polarization vector, phase and energy velocities and principal curvatures of the slowness surface can readily be calculated. The formulae for exact and asymptotic Green’s functions are numerically checked against closed-form solutions for isotropic and simple anisotropic, elastic and viscoelastic models. The calculations confirm that the formulae and developed numerical codes are correct. The computation of the \(P\)-wave Green’s function in two realistic materials with a rather strong anisotropy and absorption indicates that the asymptotic Green’s function is accurate at distances greater than several wavelengths from the source. The error in the modulus reaches at most 4% at distances greater than 15 wavelengths from the source.


74D05 Linear constitutive equations for materials with memory
74E10 Anisotropy in solid mechanics
74J10 Bulk waves in solid mechanics
74H10 Analytic approximation of solutions (perturbation methods, asymptotic methods, series, etc.) of dynamical problems in solid mechanics


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