
On pre-\(\theta\)-open sets and two classes of functions. (English) Zbl 1152.54302

Summary: We introduce the notions of pro-\(\theta\)-derived, pre-\(\theta\)-border, pre-\(\theta\)-frontier and pre-\(\theta\)-exterior of a set and study some of their basic properties. We also introduce two classes of functions called \(\theta\)-preopen functions and \(\theta\)-precloscd functions. We obtain their characterizations, their basic properties and their relationships with other types of functions between topological spaces.


54A05 Topological spaces and generalizations (closure spaces, etc.)
54C10 Special maps on topological spaces (open, closed, perfect, etc.)
54D10 Lower separation axioms (\(T_0\)–\(T_3\), etc.)
54C08 Weak and generalized continuity