
Locating the boundary peaks of least-energy solutions to a singularly perturbed Dirichlet problem. (English) Zbl 1150.35006

The authors investigate the problem: \(\varepsilon^2\Delta v-v-\gamma_1Vv+f(v)=0\), \(\Delta V+\gamma_2v^2=0\) with \(v, V>0\) in \(\Omega\), and \(v=V=0\) on \(\partial\Omega,\) where \(\Omega\) is a smooth bounded domain in \(\subset \mathbb R^3\), \(\varepsilon,\;\gamma_1,\;\gamma_2\) are positive constants. The function \(f\in C^2(\mathbb R)\) is subject to the following conditions: \(f(t)\) vanishes for \(t\leq 0\), \(f(t)/t^3\) is non decreasing for \(t>0\), \(f(t)=O(t^p)\) as \(t\to\infty\) with \(3<p<5\), there exists a constant \(\theta>4\) such that \(0<\theta\int_0^tf(s)\,ds\leq t f(t)\) for \(t>0\), and the problem \(\Delta w-w+f(w)=0\) in \(\mathbb R^3\), \(w(0)=\max_{\mathbb R^3} w(x)\), \(\lim_{|x|\to\infty}w(x)=0\) has a unique positive non-degenerate solution.
This problem has a variational structure. Indeed, for every \(v\in H^1_0(\Omega)\) let \((-\Delta)^{-1}[v^2]\in H^1_0(\Omega)\) be the unique solution of the problem \(\Delta V+v^2=0\) in \(\Omega\), \(V=0\) on \(\partial\Omega\). Then the previous system can be written as \[ \varepsilon^2\Delta v-v-\gamma (-\Delta)^{-1}[v^2]v+f(v)=0,\;\;v>0\;\text{in}\;\Omega,\;v=0\;\text{on}\;\partial\Omega, \] with \(\gamma=\gamma_1\gamma_2\). Associated with this problem is the energy functional \[ J_\varepsilon[v]=\frac{1}{2}\int_\Omega(\varepsilon^2|\nabla v|^2+v^2)\,dx+\frac{\gamma}{4}\int_\Omega(-\Delta)^{-1}[v^2]v^2\,dx-\int_\Omega F(v)\,dx, \] with \(F(t)=\int_0^tf(s)\,ds.\) The main result is the following. For every \(\varepsilon>0\) there exists a least-energy solution \(v_\varepsilon\in H^1_0(\Omega)\). Furthermore, as \(\varepsilon\to 0\), \(v_\varepsilon\) develops a spike near the maxima of the mean curvature of \(\partial\Omega\); more precisely, there exists \(P_\varepsilon\in\Omega\) such that (i) \(v_\varepsilon=w(\frac{x-P_\varepsilon}{\varepsilon}) +o(1)\) uniformly in \(\Omega\), (ii) dist\((P_\varepsilon,\partial\Omega)=(1+o(1))\varepsilon\log\frac{1}{\varepsilon}\), (iii) for every sequence \(\varepsilon_n\to 0^+\), up to a subsequence, \(P_{\varepsilon_n}\rightarrow P_0\in\partial\Omega,\) where \(P_0\) is a point of maximum mean curvature of \(\partial\Omega\). The proof of this interesting result is based on the energy method.


35B25 Singular perturbations in context of PDEs
35J60 Nonlinear elliptic equations
35J55 Systems of elliptic equations, boundary value problems (MSC2000)
92C15 Developmental biology, pattern formation
92C40 Biochemistry, molecular biology


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