
Processor sharing: a survey of the mathematical theory. (English. Russian original) Zbl 1147.93003

Autom. Remote Control 68, No. 9, 1662-1731 (2007); translation from Avtom. Telemekh. 2007, No. 9, 248-322 (2007).
Summary: During last few decades the Egalitarian Processor Sharing (EPS) has gained a prominent role in applied probability, especially, in queueing theory and its computer applications. While the EPS paradigm emerged in 1967 as an idealization of round-robin (RR) scheduling algorithm in time-sharing computer systems, it has recently capture renewed interest as a powerful concept for modeling WEB servers. This paper summarizes the most important results concerning the exact solutions for the M/GI/1 queue with egalitarian processor sharing. The material is drawn, mainly, from recent authors’ papers which are supplemented, in small degree, by other related results. Many of the further results are established under the direct influence of our earlier papers. Our main purpose is to give a survey of state-of-the-art with regard to main achievements of the contemporary theory of the M/GI/1 queueing system with processor sharing. The focus is on the methods and techniques of exact and asymptotic analysis of this queueing system. In contrast to the standard surveys, the abridged proofs (or their ideas) of some key theorems and corollaries are included in the paper. We outline recent developments in exact analysis of the M/GI/1-EPS queue with further emphasis on time-dependent (transient) probability distributions of the main characteristics. In particular, the present paper includes the results on the joint time-dependent distribution of the sojourn time of a job arriving at time \(t\) with the service demand (length) \(u\), and of the number of jobs at time \(t\)- in the M/GI/1 queue with egalitarian processor sharing, which obtained in form of multiple transforms. We also show how the non-stationary solutions can be used to obtain known and new results which allow to predict the behaviour of the EPS queue and to yield additional insights into its new unexpected properties. We also discuss a number of limit theorems arising under the study of the processor sharing queues.


93-02 Research exposition (monographs, survey articles) pertaining to systems and control theory
93C83 Control/observation systems involving computers (process control, etc.)
90B22 Queues and service in operations research
68M20 Performance evaluation, queueing, and scheduling in the context of computer systems
68Q10 Modes of computation (nondeterministic, parallel, interactive, probabilistic, etc.)
68W20 Randomized algorithms
Full Text: DOI


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