
Every projective Schur algebra is Brauer equivalent to a radical Abelian algebra. (English) Zbl 1147.16021

Let \(K\) be a field, \(A\) a (finite-dimensional) central simple \(K\)-algebra, \(K^*\) the multiplicative group of \(K\), \(L/K\) an arbitrary field extension, and \(\text{Rad}_K(L)\) the subgroup of those elements of \(L^*\) whose orders modulo \(K^*\) are finite. We say that \(L/K\) is radical, if \(L=K(\text{Rad}_K(L))\). The algebra \(A\) is called radical, if it is a crossed product \(A=(L/K,\alpha)\), where \(L/K\) is a radical Galois extension and \(\alpha\in\text{Rad}_K(L)\); when this holds and the Galois group \(G(L/K)\) is Abelian, \(A\) is said to be radical Abelian. We say that \(A\) is a projective Schur algebra, if it is spanned over \(K\) by a group of units that is finite modulo \(K\); this holds if and only if \(A\) is a homomorphic image of a twisted group algebra \(K^tG\), for some finite group \(G\) and \(2\)-cocycle \(t\).
The similarity classes of projective Schur \(K\)-algebras form a subgroup of the Brauer group \(\text{Br}(K)\), called the projective Schur subgroup of \(K\), and denoted by \(\text{PS}(K)\). It is known that \(\text{Br}(K)=\text{PS}(K)\), if \(K\) is a global or local field (Lorenz-Opolka, 1978), and also, if \(K\) contains a primitive \(n\)-th root of unity, for each \(n\in\mathbb{N}\) (Merkurjev-Suslin, 1982). Generally, however, we have \(\text{PS}(K)\neq\text{Br}(K)\), as shown by J. Sonn and the first author [J. Algebra 178, No. 2, 530-540 (1995; Zbl 0852.16011)], when \(K\) is a rational function field in one indeterminate over a finitely generated extension \(k\) of a global field \(k_0\).
The purpose of the paper under review is to complete the proof of the analogue to the Brauer-Witt conjecture for projective Schur algebras, which states that every projective Schur \(K\)-algebra is similar to a radical Abelian \(K\)-algebra. When \(\text{char}(K)\neq 0\), the conjecture has been proved in an earlier paper by J. Sonn and the first author [J. Algebra 239, No. 1, 356-364 (2001; Zbl 1012.16020)], so here they consider only the case of \(\text{char}(K)=0\). As a consequence, the paper obtains a characterization of \(\text{PS}(K)\) in terms of Galois cohomology. An important part of the proof is contained in Proposition 7, which uses character theory of projective representations.


16K50 Brauer groups (algebraic aspects)
20C25 Projective representations and multipliers