
Geodesic active contour under geometrical conditions: theory and 3D applications. (English) Zbl 1146.65024

Summary: We propose a new scheme for both detection of boundaries and fitting of geometrical data based on a geometrical partial differential equation, which allows a rigorous mathematical analysis. The model is a geodesic-active-contour-based model, in which we are trying to determine a curve that best approaches the given geometrical conditions (for instance a set of points or curves to approach) while detecting the object under consideration. Formal results concerning existence, uniqueness (viscosity solution) and stability are presented as well. We give the discretization of the method using an additive operator splitting scheme which is very efficient for this kind of problem. We also give 2D and 3D numerical examples on real data sets.


65D18 Numerical aspects of computer graphics, image analysis, and computational geometry
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