
Energy dissipation mechanisms in ductile fracture. (English) Zbl 1145.74409

Summary: The objective is to investigate energy dissipation mechanisms that operate at different length scales during fracture in ductile materials. A dimensional analysis is performed to identify the sets of dimensionless parameters which contribute to energy dissipation via dislocation-mediated plastic deformation at a crack tip. However, rather than using phenomenological variables such as yield stress and hardening modulus in the analysis, physical variables such as dislocation density, Burgers vector and Peierls stress are used. It is then shown via elementary arguments that the resulting dimensionless parameters can be interpreted in terms of competitions between various energy dissipation mechanisms at different length scales from the crack tip; the energy dissipations mechanisms are cleavage, crack tip dislocation nucleation and also dislocation nucleation from a Frank–Read source. Therefore, the material behavior is classified into three groups. The first two groups are the well-known intrinsic brittle and intrinsic ductile behavior. The third group is designated to be extrinsic ductile behavior for which Frank–Read dislocation nucleation is the initial energy dissipation mechanism. It is shown that a material is predicted to exhibit extrinsic ductility if the dimensionless parameter \(b{\rho}_{\text{disl}}^{1/2}\) (\(b\) is Burgers vector, \(\rho_{\text{disl}}\) is dislocation density) is within a certain range defined by other dimensionless parameters, irrespective of the competition between cleavage and crack tip dislocation nucleation. The predictions compare favorably to the documented behavior of a number of different classes of materials.


74R20 Anelastic fracture and damage
74M25 Micromechanics of solids
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