
The birth of model checking. (English) Zbl 1142.68046

Grumberg, Orna (ed.) et al., 25 years of model checking. History, achievements, perspectives. Berlin: Springer (ISBN 978-3-540-69849-4/pbk). Lecture Notes in Computer Science 5000, 1-26 (2008).
E. M. Clarke is one of the founding fathers of model checking. When he together with A. Emerson presented their work “Design and synthesis of synchronization skeletons using branching time temporal logic” during the Workshop on Logic of Programs in Yorktown Heights, NY in May 1981 [Lect. Notes Comput. Sci. 131, 52–71 (1982; Zbl 0546.68014)], this marked the start of a new era in the verification of concurrent programs and systems.
In the present paper, Clarke gives a very personal, historic account of the origins and the development of this important area of computer science. He starts with a description of the state of the art of verification in the late 1970s and he discusses advantages and disadvantages of model checking compared to other verification methods, like, e.g., theorem proving or state exploration for communication protocols. In subsequent sections he deals with central prerequisites of model checking: Tarski’s fixed-point theorem, mu-calculus, branching-time temporal logic, etc. He traces his own research done around 1980, giving a detailed account of how the work of others influenced him. In a section called “My Eureka moment” he describes the circumstances under which he first “realized that the important problem for verification was not the synthesis problem but the problem of checking formulas on finite models.” (p. 13) In the remaining parts of the paper he deals with the subsequent developments in model checking, starting with an appreciation of the work of J. P. Queille and J. Sifakis [“Specification and verification of concurrent systems in CESAR”, Lect. Notes Comput. Sci. 137, 337–351 (1982; Zbl 0482.68028)], who independently developed ideas similar to those of Clarke and Emerson, and continuing with brief outlines on different model checkers, temporal logics, automata-theoretic techniques, process algebra, symbolic model checking and related themes. A final section lists “Big events since 1990 and future challenges”. Throughout the paper the author extensively refers to the literature, collected in a striking bibliography containing about 110 references. So this work is not only a very interesting historical paper but can also serve as a good starting point for readers that are new to the topic.
The paper is the leading article in a collection based on the invited talks at the symposium “25 years of model checking” that was part of the 18th International Conference on Computer Aided Verification (CAV), which in turn was part of the Federated Logic Conference (FLOC) 2006 in Seattle. The whole collection represents one of those rare highlights of the computer science literature that do not concentrate on the every-day business but take a pause looking at the same time at the past, present and future of one of the main research areas of computer science where it is actually a science. As an add-on, the collection contains also reprints of the papers of Clarke and Emerson and of Queille and Sifakis mentioned above.
For the entire collection see [Zbl 1139.68003].


68Q60 Specification and verification (program logics, model checking, etc.)
03B44 Temporal logic
03B70 Logic in computer science
68-03 History of computer science
68Q85 Models and methods for concurrent and distributed computing (process algebras, bisimulation, transition nets, etc.)


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