
Symmetry. Cultural-historical and ontological aspects of science-arts relations. The natural and man-made world in an interdisciplinary approach. Transl. from the Hungarian by David Robert Evans. (English) Zbl 1142.00002

Basel: Birkhäuser (ISBN 3-7643-7554-X/pbk). xi, 508 p. (2007).
Publisher’s description: The first comprehensive book on the topic in half a century explores recent symmetry – and symmetry breaking – related discoveries, and discusses the questions and answers they raise in diverse disciplines: particle and high-energy physics, structural chemistry and the biochemistry of proteins, in genetic code study, in brain research, and also in architectural structures, and business decision making, to mention only a few examples.


00A06 Mathematics for nonmathematicians (engineering, social sciences, etc.)
00A35 Methodology of mathematics
01A05 General histories, source books
00-01 Introductory exposition (textbooks, tutorial papers, etc.) pertaining to mathematics in general