
Communication-aware processor allocation for supercomputers: Finding point sets of small average distance. (English) Zbl 1141.68017

Summary: We give processor-allocation algorithms for grid architectures, where the objective is to select processors from a set of available processors to minimize the average number of communication hops.
The associated clustering problem is as follows: Given \(n\) points in \(\mathfrak R^{d}\), find a size-\(k\) subset with minimum average pairwise \(L_{1}\) distance. We present a natural approximation algorithm and show that it is a \(\frac{7}{4}\)-approximation for two-dimensional grids; in \(d\) dimensions, the approximation guarantee is \(2-\frac{1}{2d}\), which is tight. We also give a polynomial-time approximation scheme for constant dimension \(d\), and we report on experimental results.


68M20 Performance evaluation, queueing, and scheduling in the context of computer systems
68W25 Approximation algorithms
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