
Meteoroid ablation models. (English) Zbl 1134.85305

Summary: The fate of entering meteoroids in atmosphere is determined by their size, velocity and substance properties. Material from ablation of small-sized meteors (roughly \(R \leq\) 0.01–1 cm) is mostly deposited between 120 and 80 km altitudes. Larger bodies (up to meter sizes) penetrate deeper into the atmosphere (down to 20 km altitude). Meteoroids of cometary origin typically have higher termination altitude due to substance properties and higher entry velocity. Fast meteoroids \((V > \)30–40 km/s) may lose a part of their material at higher altitudes due to sputtering. Local flow regime realized around the falling body determines the heat transfer and mass loss processes. The classic approach to meteor interaction with atmosphere allows describing two limiting cases: – large meteoroid at relatively low altitude, where shock wave is formed (hydrodynamical models); – small meteoroid/or high altitudes – free molecule regime of interaction, which assumes no collisions between evaporated meteoroid particles. These evaporated particles form initial train, which then spreads into an ambient air due to diffusion. Ablation models should make it possible to describe physical conditions that occur around meteor body. Several self-consistent hydrodynamical models are developed, but similar models for transition and free molecule regimes are still under study. This paper reviews existing ablation models and discusses model boundaries.


85A15 Galactic and stellar structure
85A05 Galactic and stellar dynamics
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