
Depth-averaged modelling of turbulent shallow water flow with wet-dry fronts. (English) Zbl 1127.76013

Summary: Depth-averaged models are widely used in engineering practice in order to model environmental flows in river and coastal regions, as well as shallow flows in hydraulic structures. This paper deals with depth-averaged turbulence modelling. The most important and widely used depth-averaged turbulence models are reviewed and discussed, and a depth-averaged algebraic stress model is presented. A finite volume model for solving the depth-averaged shallow water equations coupled with several turbulence models is described with special attention to the modelling of wet-dry fronts. In order to assess the performance of the model, several flows are modelled, and the numerical results are compared with experimental data.


76B15 Water waves, gravity waves; dispersion and scattering, nonlinear interaction
76F10 Shear flows and turbulence
76T10 Liquid-gas two-phase flows, bubbly flows
76M12 Finite volume methods applied to problems in fluid mechanics
86A05 Hydrology, hydrography, oceanography
76-02 Research exposition (monographs, survey articles) pertaining to fluid mechanics


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