
Applied equivariant degree. II: Symmetric Hopf bifurcations of functional differential equations. (English) Zbl 1119.58007

The equivariant degree theory was developed in the first part of the article [Z. Balanov, W. Krawcewicz and H. Ruan, Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst. 15, No. 3, 983-1016 (2006; Zbl 1115.58013)]. The main goal of part II is to study, by means of part I, the occurrence of Hopf bifurcations in a symmetric system of delayed functional differential equations.
After necessary tools of algebraic equivariant topology the authors introduce the primary equivariant degree, following to axiomatic approach developed in part I, discuss the multiplicativity property and so-called splitting lemma. Then they present the general parameterized system of symmetric delayed functional differential equations, determine the notion of isotypical crossing number and construct the \(\Gamma\times S^1\)-equivariant mapping \(\mathcal{F}_\zeta\) associated with the Andronov-Hopf bifurcation problem (\(\Gamma\) is the representation of the group of symmetries \(G\), acting on spatial variables). In order to compute the primary equivariant degree of \(\mathcal{F}_\zeta\) and make the relevant conclusions about the existence of a bifurcating branch of periodic solutions with orbit types \(H_k\) the authors use the information about the characteristic values of the linearization of a given system around the isolated center and their symmetries, i.e. so-called isotypical decomposition of the relevant eigenspaces. The primary degree can be computed directly from the table of the primary degrees of the equivariant maps canonically assigned to irreducible \(G\)–representations, combined with multiplicativity property.
As an example the system of parametrized symmetric functional differential equations is considered, describing a symmetric configuration of identical oscillators. Computational formulae for the bifurcation invariant \(\omega(\alpha_0,\beta_0)\) (\((\alpha_0,0)\) is an isolated center and \(i\beta_0\) is the relevant purely imaginary characteristic value) are established in terms of the spectrum of the characteristic operators. In conclusion, in the form of tables, the bifurcation results are presented, based on the computations of \(\omega(\alpha_0,\beta_0)\) for the various configurations (group of symmetries) identical oscillators.
References contain the various applications of the equivariant degree.


58E09 Group-invariant bifurcation theory in infinite-dimensional spaces
34K18 Bifurcation theory of functional-differential equations
34K13 Periodic solutions to functional-differential equations
47J05 Equations involving nonlinear operators (general)
37G15 Bifurcations of limit cycles and periodic orbits in dynamical systems


Zbl 1115.58013
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