
Foundations of probability and physics – 4, Växjö, Sweden, 4–9 June 2006. Proceedings of the Conference. (English) Zbl 1115.81004

AIP Conference Proceedings 889. Melville, NY: American Institute of Physics (AIP) (ISBN 978-0-7354-0391-8/hbk). xii, 464 p. (2007).

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The articles of this volume will be reviewed individually. The preceding workshop has been reviewed (see Zbl 1080.81004).
Indexed articles:
Hess, Karl, In memoriam Walter Philipp [December 14, 1936 – July 19, 2006], 3-6 [Zbl 1151.01328]
Khrennikov, Andrei, A mathematician’s viewpoint to Bell’s theorem: in memory of Walter Philipp, 7-17 [Zbl 1135.01018]
Accardi, Luigi; Khrennikov, Andrei, Chameleon effect, the range of values hypothesis and reproducing the EPR-Bohm correlations, 21-29 [Zbl 1139.81009]
Appleby, D. M., Concerning dice and divinity, 30-39 [Zbl 1132.81300]
Bengtsson, Ingemar, Three ways to look at mutually unbiased bases, 40-51 [Zbl 1139.81014]
Białynicki-Birula, Iwo, Rényi entropy and the uncertainty relations, 52-61 [Zbl 1139.81302]
Caticha, Ariel, From objective amplitudes to Bayesian probabilities, 62-70 [Zbl 1132.81302]
Aerts, Diederik; Czachor, Marek; Pawłowski, Marcin, Security in quantum cryptography vs. nonlocal hidden variables, 71-78 [Zbl 1132.81310]
D’Ariano, Giacomo Mauro, Operational axioms for quantum mechanics, 79-105 [Zbl 1139.81011]
Jaeger, Gregg, Fractal states for quantum information processing, 120-126 [Zbl 1132.81326]
Jaroszkiewicz, George; Eakins, Jon, Bohr-Heisenberg reality and system-free quantum mechanics, 127-136 [Zbl 1132.81304]
Khrennikov, Andrei, Quantum mechanics for military officers, 137-152 [Zbl 1139.81360]
Kim, Y. S.; Noz, Marilyn E., Can you do quantum mechanics without Einstein?, 152-161 [Zbl 1183.81011]
Leifer, M. S., Conditional density operators and the subjectivity of quantum operations, 172-186 [Zbl 1138.81334]
Morgan, Peter, Models of measurement for quantum fields and for classical continuous random fields, 187-197 [Zbl 1131.81301]
Nieuwenhuizen, Th. M., Nonequivalence of inertial mass and active gravitational mass, 198-207 [Zbl 1133.83008]
Plotnitsky, Arkady, Prediction and repetition in quantum mechancis: the EPR experiment and quantum probability, 208-224 [Zbl 1132.81307]
Rapoport, Diego L., On the space-time and state-space geometries of random processes in geometric quantum mechanics, 225-229 [Zbl 1132.81305]
Schack, Rüdiger, Bayesian versus frequentist predictions in quantum tomography, 230-234 [Zbl 1132.81308]
Rieder, Sebastian; Svozil, Karl, Probability distributions and Gleason’s theorem, 235-242 [Zbl 1139.81309]
von Waldenfels, Wilhelm, Derivation of the radiative transfer equation, 243-249 [Zbl 1183.85017]
Andreev, V., The reduction of density matrix and measurement of Bell-CHSH inequalities, 263-267 [Zbl 1139.81311]
Choustova, Olga, Price-dynamics of shares and Bohmian mechanics: deterministic or stochastic model?, 274-283 [Zbl 1132.81303]
Chuprikov, N. L., New model of one-dimensional completed scattering and the problem of quantum nonlocality, 283-288 [Zbl 1132.81314]
Ellinas, Demosthenes, Constructing operator valued probability measures in phase space, 289-293 [Zbl 1139.81365]
Wang, X. H.; Albeverio, S.; Cattaneo, L.; Fei, S. M., Local equivalence for a class of bipartite quantum mixed states, 294-298 [Zbl 1132.81339]
Khrennikov, Andrei Yu.; Haven, Emmanuel, Does probability interference exist in social science?, 299-309 [Zbl 1139.81304]
Rybakov, Yu. P.; Kamalov, T. F., Entangled solitons and quantum mechancis, 315-318 [Zbl 1139.81329]
Karassiov, V. P., Quantum topography of light polarization: fundamentals and information aspects, 319-323 [Zbl 1132.81328]
Khrennikov, Andrei, \(p\)-adic dynamical representation of gene expression, 324-331 [Zbl 1132.92018]
Léandre, R., Infinite Lebesgue distribution on a current group as an invariant distribution, 332-335 [Zbl 1146.58028]
Maximov, V. M., The sets of abstract probabilities, 353-362 [Zbl 1133.60005]
Nisticò, G., Detecting which slit property and an incompatible one without erasure, 374-382 [Zbl 1138.81321]
Nyman, Peter, Simulation of quantum algorithms on a symbolic computer, 383-389 [Zbl 1139.81324]
Rangacharyulu, Chary, Is 4d space-time a correct physical description?, 396-402 [Zbl 1132.83300]
Ruuge, Artur E., Finite orthoalgebras without two-valued probability measures, 403-406 [Zbl 1183.81013]
Spring, William Joseph, The Itô-Clifford Wong-Zakai integrals and martingale representation, 407-411 [Zbl 1183.81100]
Stuckey, W. M.; Silberstein, Michael; Cifone, Michael, The relational blockworld interpretation of non-relativistic quantum mechanics, 412-421 [Zbl 1138.81324]
Uchiyama, Satoshi, On hysteresis of value assignments to observables during changes of context, 422-426 [Zbl 1183.81018]
Vacchini, B., A probabilistic view on decoherence theory, 427-431 [Zbl 1138.81368]
Woesler, Richard, Some mathematical structures including simplified non-relativistic quantum teleportation equations and special relativity, 432-427 [Zbl 1132.81340]
Fuchs, Christopher A., Delirium quantum Or, where I will take quantum mechanics if it will let me, 438-462 [Zbl 1183.81007]


81-06 Proceedings, conferences, collections, etc. pertaining to quantum theory
60-06 Proceedings, conferences, collections, etc. pertaining to probability theory
00B25 Proceedings of conferences of miscellaneous specific interest


Zbl 1080.81004