
A novel approach in uncertain programing. I: New arithmetic and order relation for interval numbers. (English) Zbl 1115.65050

The authors present a new definition of interval arithmetic operations. They argue that these operations are superior to the classical ones as they may end up with lesser widths; however, the basic property that \(\alpha\in{\mathbf a}\), \(\beta\in{\mathbf b}\) imply \(\alpha\circ\beta\in {\mathbf a}\circ {\mathbf b}\) for any \(\circ\in\{+,-,*,/\}\) seems not to hold. Furthermore, they define an interval order \({\mathbf a}\preceq{\mathbf b}\) if either \(\text{mid}({\mathbf a})<\text{mid}({\mathbf b})\), or \(\text{mid}({\mathbf a})=\text{ mid}({\mathbf b})\) and \(\text{ rad}({\mathbf a})\geq\text{ rad}({\mathbf b})\), and they show that it forms a partial ordering on the set of real intervals.


65G30 Interval and finite arithmetic
90C70 Fuzzy and other nonstochastic uncertainty mathematical programming
90C30 Nonlinear programming
65K05 Numerical mathematical programming methods
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