
Guidelines and criteria for the use of turbulence models in complex flows. (English) Zbl 1098.76038

Hewitt, G. F. (ed.) et al., Prediction of turbulent flows. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press (ISBN 0-521-83899-1/hbk). 291-343 (2005).
From the summary: Firstly, we review the principles underlying general purpose tubulence models and the assumptions and procedures involved in applying them to calculate the kind of complex flows that are analysed in practical engineering and environmental problems. Secondly we develop, from considerations of basic mechanisms of turbulence and the different types of statistical turbulence model, a new guideline ‘map’ based on characteristic statistical parameters, which can be derived from standard models. This indicates in principles which types of turbulent flow can and cannot be approximately calculated with the current generation of ‘CFD’, one-point turbulence models, including those using \(k-\varepsilon\) and second-order closure equations. No attempt is made to identify any one optimum model scheme. Thirdly, the proposed guidelines for the likely accuracy of turbulent modelling are tested by comparing them with the results of previous test-case studies for a range of complex turbulent flows, where standard models fail or need special adaptation. These include thermal convection, free stream turbulence, aeronautical flows and flows round bluff bodies. We discuss the relative merits of advanced models (e.g. involving two-point statistics) and numerical simulations.
For the entire collection see [Zbl 1075.76003].


76Fxx Turbulence
76-02 Research exposition (monographs, survey articles) pertaining to fluid mechanics