
Intrinsic credible regions: an objective Bayesian approach to interval estimation (with comments and rejoinder). (English) Zbl 1087.62036

Summary: This paper defines intrinsic credible regions, a method to produce objective Bayesian credible regions which only depend on the assumed model and the available data. Lowest posterior loss (LPL) regions are defined as Bayesian credible regions which contain values of minimum posterior expected loss; they depend both on the loss function and on the prior specification. An invariant, information theory based loss function, the intrinsic discrepancy, is argued to be appropriate for scientific communication. Intrinsic credible regions are the lowest posterior loss regions with respect to the intrinsic discrepancy loss and the appropriate reference prior. The proposed procedure is completely general, and is invariant under both reparametrization and marginalization. The exact derivation of intrinsic credible regions often requires numerical integration, but good analytical approximations are provided. Special attention is given to one-dimensional intrinsic credible intervals; their coverage properties show that they are always approximate (and sometimes exact) frequentist confidence intervals. The method is illustrated with a number of examples.


62F15 Bayesian inference
62F25 Parametric tolerance and confidence regions
62B10 Statistical aspects of information-theoretic topics
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