
CONCUR 2005 – concurrency theory. 16th international conference, CONCUR 2005, San Francisco, CA, USA, August 23–26, 2005. Proceedings. (English) Zbl 1084.68002

Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3653. Berlin: Springer (ISBN 3-540-28309-9/pbk). xiv, 578 p. (2005).

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The articles of this volume will be reviewed individually. For the preceding conference see [Zbl 1058.68006].
Indexed articles:
Garg, Deepak; Pfenning, Frank, Type-directed concurrency, 6-20 [Zbl 1134.68435]
Mazza, Damiano, Multiport interaction nets and concurrency (extended abstract), 21-35 [Zbl 1134.68449]
Tiu, Alwen, Model checking for \(\pi\)-calculus using proof search, 36-50 [Zbl 1134.68451]
Laird, Jim, A game semantics of the asynchronous \(\pi\)-calculus, 51-65 [Zbl 1134.68447]
Cassez, Franck; David, Alexandre; Fleury, Emmanuel; Larsen, Kim G.; Lime, Didier, Efficient on-the-fly algorithms for the analysis of timed games, 66-80 [Zbl 1134.68382]
Bouyer, Patricia; Cassez, Franck; Laroussinie, François, Modal logics for timed control, 81-94 [Zbl 1134.68399]
Dima, Cătălin, Timed shuffle expressions, 95-109 [Zbl 1134.68384]
Bel Mokadem, Houda; Bérard, Béatrice; Bouyer, Patricia; Laroussinie, François, A new modality for almost everywhere properties in timed automata, 110-124 [Zbl 1134.68381]
D’Argenio, Pedro R.; Gebremichael, Biniam, The coarsest congruence for timed automata with deadlines contained in bisimulation, 125-140 [Zbl 1134.68383]
van Breugel, Franck, A behavioural pseudometric for metric labelled transition systems, 141-155 [Zbl 1134.68458]
Murawski, Andrzej S.; Ouaknine, Joël, On probabilistic program equivalence and refinement, 156-170 [Zbl 1134.68351]
Bhargava, Mohit; Palamidessi, Catuscia, Probabilistic anonymity, 171-185 [Zbl 1134.68426]
Gordon, Andrew D.; Jeffrey, Alan, Secrecy despite compromise: Types, cryptography, and the pi-calculus, 186-201 [Zbl 1134.68439]
Haack, Christian; Jeffrey, Alan, Timed spi-calculus with types for secrecy and authenticity, 202-216 [Zbl 1134.68441]
Truderung, Tomasz, Selecting theories and recursive protocols, 217-232 [Zbl 1134.94368]
Kähler, Detlef; Küsters, Ralf, Constraint solving for contract-signing protocols, 233-247 [Zbl 1134.94362]
Baeten, Jos C. M.; Bravetti, Mario, A ground-complete axiomatization of finite state processes in process algebra, 248-262 [Zbl 1134.68425]
Fröschle, Sibylle; Lasota, Sławomir, Decomposition and complexity of hereditary history preserving bisimulation on BPP, 263-277 [Zbl 1134.68434]
de Frutos Escrig, David; Rodríguez, Carlos Gregorio, Bisimulations up-to for the linear time branching time spectrum, 278-292 [Zbl 1134.68457]
Bruni, Roberto; Gadducci, Fabio; Montanari, Ugo; Sobociński, Paweł, Deriving weak bisimulation congruences from reduction systems, 293-307 [Zbl 1134.68428]
Mousavi, Mohammad Reza; Gabbay, Murdoch J.; Reniers, Michel A., SOS for higher order processes, 308-322 [Zbl 1134.68450]
van Glabbeek, Robert Jan, The individual and collective token interpretations of Petri nets, 323-337 [Zbl 1134.68459]
Khomenko, Victor; Kondratyev, Alex; Koutny, Maciej; Vogler, Walter, Merged processes – a new condensed representation of Petri net behaviour, 338-352 [Zbl 1134.68445]
Saraswat, Vijay; Jagadeesan, Radha, Concurrent clustered programming (extended abstract), 353-367 [Zbl 1134.68341]
Francalanza, Adrian; Hennessy, Matthew, A theory of system behaviour in the presence of node and link failures (extended abstract), 368-382 [Zbl 1134.68340]
Bruni, Roberto; Butler, Michael; Ferreira, Carla; Hoare, Tony; Melgratti, Hernán; Montanari, Ugo, Comparing two approaches to compensable flow composition, 383-397 [Zbl 1134.68316]
Danos, Vincent; Krivine, Jean, Transactions in RCCS, 398-412 [Zbl 1134.68432]
Chatterjee, Krishnendu, Two-player nonzero-sum \(\omega\)-regular games, 413-427 [Zbl 1134.68429]
Gimbert, Hugo; Zielonka, Wiesław, Games where you can play optimally without any memory, 428-442 [Zbl 1134.68438]
Genest, Blaise, On implementation of global concurrent systems with local asynchronous controllers, 443-457 [Zbl 1134.68437]
Völzer, Hagen; Varacca, Daniele; Kindler, Ekkart, Defining fairness, 458-472 [Zbl 1134.68456]
Bouajjani, Ahmed; Müller-Olm, Markus; Touili, Tayssir, Regular symbolic analysis of dynamic networks of pushdown systems, 473-487 [Zbl 1134.68427]
Bradley, Aaron R.; Manna, Zohar; Sipma, Henny B., Termination analysis of integer linear loops, 488-502 [Zbl 1134.68343]
Goubault, Eric; Haucourt, Emmanuel, A practical application of geometric semantics to static analysis of concurrent programs, 503-517 [Zbl 1134.68440]
Demri, Stéphane; Gascon, Régis, Verification of qualitative \(\mathbb Z\) constraints, 518-532 [Zbl 1134.68405]
Gastin, Paul; Kuske, Dietrich, Uniform satisfiability problem for local temporal logics over Mazurkiewicz traces, 533-547 [Zbl 1134.68436]
Margaria, Tiziana; Sistla, A. Prasad; Steffen, Bernhard; Zuck, Lenore D., Taming interface specifications, 548-561 [Zbl 1134.68414]
van der Meyden, Ron; Wilke, Thomas, Synthesis of distributed systems from knowledge-based specifications, 562-576 [Zbl 1134.68460]


68-06 Proceedings, conferences, collections, etc. pertaining to computer science
68Q85 Models and methods for concurrent and distributed computing (process algebras, bisimulation, transition nets, etc.)
00B25 Proceedings of conferences of miscellaneous specific interest


Zbl 1058.68006
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