
Number fields and function fields – two parallel worlds. (English) Zbl 1078.11002

Progress in Mathematics 239. Boston, MA: Birkhäuser (ISBN 0-8176-4397-4/hbk; 0-8176-4447-4/ebook). xiv, 318 p. (2005).

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Indexed articles:
Böckle, Gebhard, Arithmetic over function fields: a cohomological approach, 1-38 [Zbl 1188.11043]
van den Bogaart, Theo; Edixhoven, Bas, Algebraic stacks whose number of points over finite fields in a polynomial, 39-49 [Zbl 1105.14025]
Brenner, Holger, On a problem of Miyaoka, 51-59 [Zbl 1098.14022]
Breuer, Florian; Pink, Richard, Monodromy groups associated to non-isotrivial Drinfeld modules in generic characteristic, 61-69 [Zbl 1128.11030]
Conrad, Keith, Irreducible values of polynomials: a non-analogy, 71-85 [Zbl 1114.11024]
Deitmar, Anton, Schemes over \(\mathbb F_1\), 87-100 [Zbl 1098.14003]
Deninger, Christopher; Werner, Annette, Line bundles and \(p\)-adic characters, 101-131 [Zbl 1100.11019]
Faltings, Gerd, Arithmetic Eisenstein classes on the Siegel space: some computations, 133-166 [Zbl 1148.11027]
Hartl, Urs, Uniformizing the stacks of abelian sheaves, 167-222 [Zbl 1137.11322]
de Jong, Robin, Faltings’ delta-invariant of a hyperelliptic Riemann surface, 223-236 [Zbl 1113.14023]
Köhler, Kai, A Hirzebruch proportionality principle in Arakelov geometry, 237-268 [Zbl 1101.14035]
Kühn, Ulf, On the height conjecture for algebraic points on curves defined over number fields, 269-277 [Zbl 1143.14022]
Lagarias, Jeffrey C., A note on absolute derivations and zeta functions, 279-285 [Zbl 1105.11026]
Maillot, Vincent; Roessler, Damian, On the order of certain characteristic classes of the Hodge bundle of semi-abelian schemes, 287-310 [Zbl 1098.14032]
Roessler, Damian, A note on the Manin-Mumford conjecture, 311-318 [Zbl 1098.14030]


11-06 Proceedings, conferences, collections, etc. pertaining to number theory
14-06 Proceedings, conferences, collections, etc. pertaining to algebraic geometry
00B25 Proceedings of conferences of miscellaneous specific interest