
Time optimal software pipelining of loops with control flows. (English) Zbl 1074.68546

Summary: Software pipelining is widely used as a compiler optimization technique to achieve high performance in machines that exploit instruction-level parallelism. However, surprisingly, there have been few theoretical or empirical results on time optimal software pipelining of loops with control flows. In this paper, we present three new theoretical and practical contributions for this underinvestigated problem. First, we propose a necessary and sufficient condition for a loop with control flows to have an optimally software-pipelined program. We also present a decision procedure to compute the condition. As part of the formal treatment of software pipelining, we propose a new formalization of software pipelining. Second, we present two software pipelining algorithms. The first algorithm computes an optimal solution for every loop satisfying the condition, but may run in exponential time. The second algorithm computes optimal solutions efficiently for most (but not all) loops satisfying the condition. The former one proves the sufficiency of the condition and the latter one suggests a practical optimal software pipelining algorithm. Third, we present experimental results which strongly indicate that achieving the time optimality in the software-pipelined programs is a viable goal in practice with reasonable hardware support.


68N20 Theory of compilers and interpreters
68N99 Theory of software
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