
Dark matter and dark energy. (English) Zbl 1069.83515

Papantonopoulos, E. (ed.), The physics of the early universe. Papers from the 2nd Aegean school on the early Universe, Ermoupolis, Syros Island, Greece, September 22–30, 2003. Berlin: Springer (ISBN 3-540-22712-1/hbk). Lecture Notes in Physics 653, 141-179 (2005).
Summary: I briefly review our current understanding of dark matter and dark energy. The first part of this review focusses on issues pertaining to dark matter including observational evidence for its existence, current constraints and the ‘abundance of substructure’ and ‘cuspy core’ issues which arise in CDM. I also briefly describe MOND. The second part of this review focusses on dark energy. In this part I discuss the significance of the cosmological constant problem which leads to a predicted value of the cosmological constant which is almost \(10^{123}\) times larger than the observed value \(\lambda/8\pi G\simeq 10^{-47}\text{GeV}^4\). Setting \(\lambda\) to this small value ensures that the acceleration of the universe is a fairly recent phenomenon giving rise to the ‘cosmic coincidence’ conundrum according to which we live during a special epoch when the density in matter and \(\lambda\) are almost equal. Anthropic arguments are briefly discussed but more emphasis is placed upon dynamical dark energy models in which the equation of state is time dependent. These include Quintessence, Braneworld models, Chaplygin gas and Phantom energy. Model independent methods to determine the cosmic equation of state and the Statefinder diagnostic are also discussed. The Statefinder has the attractive property \(\dddot a/aH^3=1\) for LCDM, which is helpful for differentiating between LCDM and rival dark energy models. The review ends with a brief discussion of the fate of the universe in dark energy models.
For the entire collection see [Zbl 1059.83002].


83F05 Relativistic cosmology
85A40 Astrophysical cosmology