
On the long-time behavior of the quantum Fokker-Planck equation. (English) Zbl 1061.35095

The authors study the Cauchy problem: \(dR/dt=-(i/\hbar)\) \([H,R]+ A(R)\), \(R(t=0)= R_0\). When \(R(t): L^2(\mathbb R^d)\to L^2(\mathbb R^d)\) is given by \((R(t)f)(x): =\int\rho (x,y, t)f(y)\,dy\), the evolution equation of the electrons is
\[ \begin{split} \partial_t\rho= -(i/\hbar) (H_x-H_y)\rho -\gamma(x-y)\cdot (\nabla_x- \nabla_y)\rho+\\ (D_{qq}|\nabla_x+ \nabla_y |^2-(D_{pp}/ \hbar^2)|x-y|^2+(2i D_{pq}/ \hbar)(x-y)\cdots(\nabla_x+ \nabla_y)) \rho \end{split} \]
with \(\rho(t=0,x,y)= \rho_0(x,y)\). Here \(H_x:=-(\hbar^2/2m) \Delta_x+V(x)\). Wigner transform
\[ w(x,\xi,t)= ((2\pi)^d\hbar)^{-1}\int \rho(x+\hbar y/2m,x- \hbar y/2m,t)e^{i\xi\cdot y}\,dy \]
derives the QFP equation
\[ \partial_tw+\xi \cdot\nabla_xw+ \Theta[V]=L_qw, \] \(L_q\): diffusion operator, with \(w(t=0,x,\xi)= w_0(x,\xi)\). \(w_\infty :=w(t\to\infty,x,\xi)\). Let \(\gamma>0\), \(\omega_0> 0\) and assume (A1)\(\sim \)(A3):
(A1) \(D_{pp}D_{qq}- D_{pq}^2\geq\hbar^2 \gamma^2/4\) and \(D_{pp}>0\) if \(\gamma=0\).
(A2) \(M_0=\iint w_0(x,\xi)\,dx\,d\xi=1\).
(A3) \(V(x)= \omega_0^2|x|^2/2+ a \cdot x+b\).
Main Result: (I) The unique Gaussian \(L^1\)-solution \(w_\infty\) of the QFP equation, satisfying \(M_\infty: =\iint w_\infty(x,\xi)\,dx\,d\xi=1\), is given.
(II) \(e_\varphi (f\mid g):=\int\varphi (f/g)g(dx)\), \(\varphi_1(\alpha):= \alpha\ln\alpha- \alpha + 1\), \(\varphi_2(\alpha):=k(\alpha-1)^2\), and \(w_0=w_0^+-w_0^-\). If \(e_{\varphi_1}(w_0^\pm\mid w_\infty)<\infty\), then \(\| w(t, \cdot) -w_\infty\|_1\leq Ce^{-kt}\). If \(e_{\varphi_2} (w_0^\pm \mid w_\infty)< \infty\), then \(\| w(t,\cdot)- w_\infty\|_p\leq Ce^{-kt}\) with \(1\leq p\leq 2\).


35Q40 PDEs in connection with quantum mechanics
35B40 Asymptotic behavior of solutions to PDEs
81Q05 Closed and approximate solutions to the Schrödinger, Dirac, Klein-Gordon and other equations of quantum mechanics
35K57 Reaction-diffusion equations
82C10 Quantum dynamics and nonequilibrium statistical mechanics (general)