
Advances in cryptology – CRYPTO 2004. 24th annual international cryptology conference, Santa Barbara, California, USA, August 15–19, 2004. Proceedings. (English) Zbl 1058.94002

Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3152. Berlin: Springer (ISBN 3-540-22668-0/pbk). xi, 579 p. (2004).

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The articles of this volume will be reviewed individually. The preceding conference has been reviewed (see Zbl 1027.00041).
Indexed articles:
Biryukov, Alex; De Cannière, Christophe; Quisquater, Michaël, On multiple linear approximations, 1-22 [Zbl 1104.94018]
Courtois, Nicolas T., Feistel schemes and bi-linear cryptanalysis (extended abstract), 23-40 [Zbl 1104.94308]
Boneh, Dan; Boyen, Xavier; Shacham, Hovav, Short group signatures, 41-55 [Zbl 1104.94044]
Camenisch, Jan; Lysyanskaya, Anna, Signature schemes and anonymous credentials from bilinear maps, 56-72 [Zbl 1104.94045]
Holenstein, Thomas; Maurer, Ueli; Sjödin, Johan, Complete classification of bilinear hard-core functions, 73-91 [Zbl 1104.94024]
Hsiao, Chun-Yuan; Reyzin, Leonid, Finding collisions on a public road, or do secure hash functions need secret coins?, 92-105 [Zbl 1104.94025]
Patarin, Jacques, Security of random Feistel schemes with 5 or more rounds, 106-122 [Zbl 1104.94035]
Okeya, Katsuyuki; Schmidt-Samoa, Katja; Spahn, Christian; Takagi, Tsuyoshi, Signed binary representations revisited, 123-139 [Zbl 1104.94034]
Scott, Michael; Barreto, Paulo S. L. M., Compressed pairings, 140-156 [Zbl 1104.94036]
van Dijk, Marten; Woodruff, David, Asymptotically optimal communication for torus-based cryptography, 157-178 [Zbl 1104.94041]
Gentry, Craig, How to compress Rabin ciphertexts and signatures (and more), 179-200 [Zbl 1104.68045]
Cheng, Qi, On the bounded sum-of-digits discrete logarithm problem in finite fields, 201-212 [Zbl 1104.11056]
May, Alexander, Computing the RSA secret key is deterministic polynomial time equivalent to factoring, 213-219 [Zbl 1104.94030]
Gennaro, Rosario, Multi-trapdoor commitments and their applications to proofs of knowledge secure under concurrent man-in-the-middle attacks, 220-236 [Zbl 1104.94050]
Di Crescenzo, Giovanni; Persiano, Giuseppe; Visconti, Ivan, Constant-round resettable zero knowledge with concurrent soundness in the bare public-key model, 237-253 [Zbl 1104.94048]
Damgård, Ivan; Fehr, Serge; Salvail, Louis, Zero-knowledge proofs and string commitments withstanding quantum attacks, 254-272 [Zbl 1104.94047]
Bellare, Mihir; Palacio, Adriana, The knowledge-of-exponent assumptions and 3-round zero-knowledge protocols, 273-289 [Zbl 1104.94043]
Biham, Eli; Chen, Rafi, Near-collisions of SHA-0, 290-305 [Zbl 1104.94307]
Joux, Antoine, Multicollisions in iterated hash functions. Application to cascaded constructions, 306-316 [Zbl 1104.68043]
Abe, Masayuki; Fehr, Serge, Adaptively secure Feldman VSS and applications to universally-composable threshold cryptography, 317-334 [Zbl 1104.94042]
Katz, Jonathan; Ostrovsky, Rafail, Round-optimal secure two-party computation, 335-354 [Zbl 1104.94027]
Landau, Susan, Security, liberty, and electronic communications, 355-372 [Zbl 1104.94309]
Molland, Håvard; Helleseth, Tor, An improved correlation attack against irregular clocked and filtered keystream generators, 373-389 [Zbl 1104.94031]
Hawkes, Philip; Rose, Gregory G., Rewriting variables: The complexity of fast algebraic attacks on stream ciphers, 390-406 [Zbl 1104.94023]
Lu, Yi; Vaudenay, Serge, Faster correlation attack on Bluetooth keystream generator E0, 407-425 [Zbl 1104.94311]
Kurosawa, Kaoru; Desmedt, Yvo, A new paradigm of hybrid encryption scheme, 426-442 [Zbl 1104.94028]
Boneh, Dan; Boyen, Xavier, Secure identity based encryption without random oracles, 443-459 [Zbl 1104.94019]
Moran, Tal; Shaltiel, Ronen; Ta-Shma, Amnon, Non-interactive timestamping in the bounded storage model, 460-476 [Zbl 1104.94051]
Catalano, Dario; Pointcheval, David; Pornin, Thomas, IPAKE: Isomorphisms for password-based authenticated key exchange, 477-493 [Zbl 1104.94046]
Dodis, Yevgeniy; Gennaro, Rosario; Håstad, Johan; Krawczyk, Hugo; Rabin, Tal, Randomness extraction and key derivation using the CBC, cascade and HMAC modes, 494-510 [Zbl 1104.68470]
Goodrich, Michael T.; Sun, Jonathan Z.; Tamassia, Roberto, Efficient tree-based revocation in groups of low-state devices, 511-527 [Zbl 1104.94021]
Dwork, Cynthia; Nissim, Kobbi, Privacy-preserving datamining on vertically partitioned databases, 528-544 [Zbl 1104.68038]
Srinathan, K.; Narayanan, Arvind; Rangan, C. Pandu, Optimal perfectly secure message transmission, 545-561 [Zbl 1104.94052]
Fitzi, Matthias; Wolf, Stefan; Wullschleger, Jürg, Pseudo-signatures, broadcast, and multi-party computation from correlated randomness, 562-578 [Zbl 1104.94049]


94-06 Proceedings, conferences, collections, etc. pertaining to information and communication theory
94A60 Cryptography
00B25 Proceedings of conferences of miscellaneous specific interest


Zbl 1027.00041
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