
The logarithmic tables of Edward Sang and his daughters. (English) Zbl 1030.01023

Es geht um die einzelnen Lebensstationen des Edward Sang (1805-1890) aus Kirkcaldy in Schottland, “Teacher of Mathematics and Doctor of Laws in Edinburgh”, sowie um seine Arbeiten, u.a.: “Mathematics unconnected with any application but the bulk concern topics in physics, astronomy, and engineering, ranging through flywheels and turning lathes, vibrating wires, toothed wheels, clock mechanisms, meteorological observations, carpet manufacture, railways, achromatic optical lenses, construction of arches, surveying methods, the form of ships’ hulls, actuarial calculations, and solar eclipses” (S. 52). Trotz solch hoher Verdienste, trotz persönlicher Ehrungen, starb er finanziell verschuldet.
Sang’s logarithmische and trigonometrische Tafeln – er folgte hierbei dem Dezimalprogramm des französischen Bureau du Cadastre unter Gaspard de Prony –, unter Mitarbeit seiner Töchter Flora Chalmers und Jane Nicol zustandegekommen, aber nur zum Teil gedruckt, gingen schließlich 1907 in die Obhut der Royal Society of Edinburgh über; einzelne Institutionen bemühten sich zwar darum, dieses gewaltige Werk herauszugeben, die letzte Initiative erlosch jedoch bei Kriegsausbruch 1914. Nach Meinung des Verf. wurden die Cadastre-Tafeln in Genauigkeit und Ausmaß von Sang überboten. Nicht ermutigend: “…comparisons with other tables were perhaps the only uses ever made of Sang’s manuscripts” (S. 73). Trotzdem: “Sang’s numerical virtuosity becomes clear when he goes on to describe how to find large divisors which produce very rapid convergence” (S. 75): Zerlegung in Primfaktoren, deren Logarithmen schon bekannt waren, wobei über geeignete Verfahren eine geforderte Genauigkeit schnell erreicht wurde. Während Prony’s Projekt wohlwollend öffentlich gefördert worden war, blieb den Sangs der finanzielle Aufwand für diese immense Arbeit, die sie in 27 Jahren während ihrer Freizeit ausgeführt hatten – allein 47 Bände mit bis zu 28-stelligen Logarithmen –, selbst überlassen.
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01A55 History of mathematics in the 19th century
65A05 Tables in numerical analysis
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[1] Commissariot of Edinburgh [re Edward Sang.]: (a) “Record of Testamentary Deeds” SC70/4/250, pp. 590-592; (b) “Record of Inventories” SC70/1/293, pp. 227-234: both recorded 13 March 1891; Commissariot of Edinburgh [re Edward Sang.]: (a) “Record of Testamentary Deeds” SC70/4/250, pp. 590-592; (b) “Record of Inventories” SC70/1/293, pp. 227-234: both recorded 13 March 1891
[2] Internat. Genealogical Index of Old Parish Records. Microfiche. St Andrews & St. Leonards Parish Records for 7 May 1862, Fife; Internat. Genealogical Index of Old Parish Records. Microfiche. St Andrews & St. Leonards Parish Records for 7 May 1862, Fife
[3] Edward Sang MSS and related papers. The National Library of Scotland, Edinburgh, Acc. 10780 Nos. 1-89 (89 numbered volumes/folders of tables, correspondence etc., previously held by the Royal Society of Edinburgh). There is an index to these manuscripts and papers. In the text, each reference is given as [S, n] where n is the appropriate number; Edward Sang MSS and related papers. The National Library of Scotland, Edinburgh, Acc. 10780 Nos. 1-89 (89 numbered volumes/folders of tables, correspondence etc., previously held by the Royal Society of Edinburgh). There is an index to these manuscripts and papers. In the text, each reference is given as [S, n] where n is the appropriate number
[4] Edward Sang MSS. Edinburgh University Library, 40 vols. Gen. 310-349; Edward Sang MSS. Edinburgh University Library, 40 vols. Gen. 310-349
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[10] Anon., 1887. Fife Free Press obituary (16th April 1887); Anon., 1887. Fife Free Press obituary (16th April 1887)
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[15] Anon., 1894. [Minutes re pension to Edward Sang and his daughters]. Transactions of the Royal Scottish Society of Arts for 1890-91 13; Anon., 1894. [Minutes re pension to Edward Sang and his daughters]. Transactions of the Royal Scottish Society of Arts for 1890-91 13
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[48] (Knott, C. G., Napier Tercentenary Memorial Volume (1915), Longmans, for the Royal Society of Edinburgh: Longmans, for the Royal Society of Edinburgh London)
[49] Knott, C. G., Edward Sang and his logarithmic calculations, (Knott, C. G., Napier Tercentenary Memorial Volume (1915), Longmans, for the Royal Society of Edinburgh: Longmans, for the Royal Society of Edinburgh London), 261-268
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[53] Lefort, P. A.F., Observations on Mr Sang’s Remarks relative to the Great Logarithmic Table compiled at the Bureau du Cadastre under the direction of M. Prony, Proc. R. Soc. Edinburgh, 8, 563-581 (1875), (Communicated by Mr Sang, who has translated the paper from the French). In original French, followed by English translation
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[63] Peebles, D. B., “Edward Sang” (Obituary, with list of writings), Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, 21, xvii, xxxii (1897)
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This reference list is based on information provided by the publisher or from digital mathematics libraries. Its items are heuristically matched to zbMATH identifiers and may contain data conversion errors. In some cases that data have been complemented/enhanced by data from zbMATH Open. This attempts to reflect the references listed in the original paper as accurately as possible without claiming completeness or a perfect matching.