
Handbook of first order partial differential equations. (Spravochnik po differentsial’nym uravneniyam i chastnymi proizvodnymi pervogo poryadka.) (Russian) Zbl 1024.35001

Spravochnaya Fiziko-Matematicheskaya Literatura. Moskva: Fizmatlit. 416 p. (2003).
This book is the third of a series of reference books devoted to differential equations and published by the same authors.
This handbook contains more than 3000 partial differential equations of the first order and their solutions. Many new precise solutions of linear and nonlinear equations are described. Special attention is given to equations of a general kind, which depend on arbitrary functions. This handbook contains considerably more partial differential equations of the first order and precise solutions than most other books.
Each chapter contains the main methods of solutions of appropriate types of differential equations and concrete examples of their application. The authors consider both, classical (smooth) and generalized (discontinuous) solutions. The equations surveyed have applications in differential geometry, nonlinear mechanics, ray optics, theories of waves, control theory, differential games, chemical technology and other applications. In addition the method of a generalized separation of variables is stated.
The handbook is intended for a wide range of readers, from high school teachers to engineers and students in applied mathematics and other applied fields.


35-00 General reference works (handbooks, dictionaries, bibliographies, etc.) pertaining to partial differential equations
35Fxx General first-order partial differential equations and systems of first-order partial differential equations
35C05 Solutions to PDEs in closed form