
Gauss problem for function fields. (English) Zbl 1014.11072

The Gauss conjecture states the existence of infinitely many real quadratic number fields with class number one. The weak Gauss conjecture states the existence of infinitely many number fields having class number one.
In the paper under review, the authors generalize the Gauss conjecture as follows. Consider pairs \((K, S)\) with \(K\) a global field and \(S\) a finite nonempty set of places of \(K\) containing the archimedean ones in the number field case. Fix a pair \((K_0, S_0)\) with the ring of \(S_0\)-integers principal. Then the main conjecture is that there are infinitely many pairs \((K,S)\) such that: (1) all the places of \(S_0\) split completely in \(K\), (2) \(K/K_0\) is of degree two and (3) the ring of \(S\)-integers is principal. The Gauss conjecture is just the case where \(K_0= {\mathbb Q}\) and \(S=\{P_\infty\}\) where \(P_\infty\) is the usual absolute value of the field of rational numbers.
The authors consider several cases of the main conjecture. In particular the case of complex quadratic fields, the case of hyperelliptic function fields and function fields which are Galois extensions of a given one or with certain ramification conditions. Among several other results, they prove that for \(q=4, 9, 25, 49\) or \(169\) there are infinitely many extensions \((K,S)\) of \(({\mathbb F}_q (T), \{P\})\) such that \(P\) splits completely in \(K\), \(K/{\mathbb F}_q(T)\) is a Galois extension and the ring of \(S\)-integers is principal.
From the geometric point of view, they show that if \(X\) is a curve of genus \(g_X\geq 2\) over \({\mathbb F}_q\) such that \({|S|\over g_X - 1} > \sqrt{q} -1\), then the class field tower of \((X, S)\) is finite. A similar result is obtained for Drinfeld modular curves. Finally, they apply classical and Drinfeld modular curves to solve cases of the main problem discussed at the beginning of the paper.


11R58 Arithmetic theory of algebraic function fields
11R60 Cyclotomic function fields (class groups, Bernoulli objects, etc.)
11R37 Class field theory
14G15 Finite ground fields in algebraic geometry
14H40 Jacobians, Prym varieties
11G18 Arithmetic aspects of modular and Shimura varieties
11G30 Curves of arbitrary genus or genus \(\ne 1\) over global fields
11G20 Curves over finite and local fields


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