
Some applications of the methods of linear programming to the theory of cooperative games. (Russian) Zbl 1013.91501

The methods and results involve linear inequalities but not extrema. The main result is a distinct improvement of D. B. Gillies’ theorem [Ann. Math. Stud. 40, 47–85 (1959; Zbl 0085.13106)] that a positive fraction of all games have unique solutions. There are a number of other results on necessary and/or sufficient conditions for existence and nature of cores or \(k\)-quotas, and for a 1-dimensional core to be a solution. Systematic and effective use is made of the (finite) set of all expressions of \((1,1,\cdots,1)\) as a non-negative combination of independent 0-1 vectors.


91A12 Cooperative games
90C05 Linear programming


Zbl 0085.13106