
Free cancellative hoops. (English) Zbl 1012.06015

A cancellative hoop is an algebra \(\langle A;+,\ominus ,0\rangle\) of type \(\langle 2,2,0\rangle\) such that \(\langle A;+,0\rangle\) is a commutative monoid and the following axioms are satisfied: \(x+(y \ominus x)=y+(x \ominus y)\); \((x \ominus y) \ominus z=x \ominus (y+z)\); \(x \ominus x=0\); \(0 \ominus x=0\); \((x+y) \ominus x=y\). It is known that the positive cone \(G^+ \) of any abelian \(l\)-group \(G\) can be considered as a cancellative hoop, and, conversely, an algebra \(A\) of type \(\langle 2,2,0\rangle\) is a cancellative hoop if and only if there is an abelian \(l\)-group \(G\) such that \(A\) is isomorphic to \(G^+ \). The authors of the paper describe the free cancellative hoops in terms of piecewise linear functions.


06F05 Ordered semigroups and monoids
06F20 Ordered abelian groups, Riesz groups, ordered linear spaces
08B20 Free algebras
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