
A minimax problem about unit vectors in the plane. (English) Zbl 1008.52010

The author studies the numbers \(\mu (n):=\min \max \{ |\sum_{k=0}^{n-1}x^{k}|\), \(|\sum_{k=0}^{n-1}x^{kn}|\} \), where the \(\min \) is taken over all unit vectors in the complex plane. \(\mu (2)\) and \(\mu (3)\) have been determined already in another paper of the author [“Packings and mappings related to certain minmax problems”, not yet published], so here the case \(n\geq 4\) is considered. Unfortunately, the main result is not valid since there is an essential error in the last step of the proof of one of the propositions (2.2), as was acknowledged by the author in the meantime.
There is a further result which says that a certain polynomial with coefficients \(0\) and \(1\) derived from \(\mu (n)\) does not have zeros on the unit circle. This seems to be correct.


52A40 Inequalities and extremum problems involving convexity in convex geometry
52C15 Packing and covering in \(2\) dimensions (aspects of discrete geometry)
05B40 Combinatorial aspects of packing and covering