
Simulation of combustion field with lattice Boltzmann method. (English) Zbl 1007.82010

Summary: Turbulent combustion is ubiquitously used in practical combustion devices. However, even chemically non-reacting turbulent flows are complex phenomena, and chemical reactions make the problem even more complicated. Due to the limitation of the computational costs, conventional numerical methods are impractical in carrying out direct 3D numerical simulations at high Reynolds numbers with detailed chemistry. Recently, the lattice Boltzmann method has emerged as an efficient alternative for numerical simulation of complex flows. Compared with conventional methods, the lattice Boltzmann scheme is simple and easy for parallel computing. In this study, we present a lattice Boltzmann model for simulation of combustion, which includes reaction, diffusion, and convection. We assume the chemical reaction does not affect the flow field. Flow, temperature, and concentration fields are decoupled and solved separately. As a preliminary simulation, we study the so-called “counter-flow” laminar flame. The particular flow geometry has two opposed uniform combustible jets which form a stagnation flow. The results are compared with those obtained from solving Navier-Stokes equations.


82-08 Computational methods (statistical mechanics) (MSC2010)
80A25 Combustion


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