
Euler circuits and DNA sequencing by hybridization. (English) Zbl 0997.92014

Summary: Sequencing by hybridization is a method of reconstructing a long DNA string – that is, figuring out its nucleotide sequence – from knowledge of its short substrings. Unique reconstruction is not always possible, and the goal of this paper is to study the number of reconstructions of a random string. For a given string, the number of reconstructions is determined by the pattern of repeated substrings; in an appropriate limit substrings will occur at most twice, so the pattern of repeats is given by a pairing: a string of length \(2n\) in which each symbol occurs twice. A pairing induces a 2-in, 2-out graph, whose directed edges are defined by successive symbols of the pairing – for example the pairing ABBCAC induces the graph with edges \(AB\), \(BB\), \(BC\), and so forth – and the number of reconstructions is simply the number of Euler circuits in this 2-in, 2-out graph. The original problem is thus transformed into one about pairings: to find the number \(f_k(n)\) of \(n\)-symbol pairings having \(k\) Euler circuits.
We show how to compute this function, in closed form, for any fixed \(k\), and we present the functions explicitly for \(k= 1,\dots, 9\). The key is a decomposition theorem: the Euler “circuit number” of a pairing is the product of the circuit numbers of “component” sub-pairings. These components come from connected components of the “interlace graph”, which has the pairing’s symbols as vertices, and edges when symbols are “interlaced”. (\(A\) and \(B\) are interlaced if the pairing has the form \(\cdots A\cdots B\cdots A\cdots B\cdots\) or \(\cdots B\cdots A\cdots B\cdots A\cdots\).) We carry these results back to the original question about DNA strings, and provide a total variation distance upper bound for the approximation error.
We perform an asymptotic enumeration of 2-in, 2-out digraphs to show that, for a typical random \(n\)-pairing, the number of Euler circuits is of order no smaller than \(2^n/n\), and the expected number is asymptotically at least \(e^{-1/2} 2^{n-1}/n\). Since any \(n\)-pairing has at most \(2^{n-1}\) Euler circuits, this pinpoints the exponential growth rate.


92C40 Biochemistry, molecular biology
05A16 Asymptotic enumeration
05C90 Applications of graph theory
92D20 Protein sequences, DNA sequences


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