
State-sum invariants of knotted curves and surfaces from quandle cohomology. (English) Zbl 0995.57004

Summary: State-sum invariants for classical knots and knotted surfaces in \(4\)-space are developed via the cohomology theory of quandles. Cohomology groups of quandles are computed to evaluate the invariants. Some twist spun torus knots are shown to be noninvertible using the invariants.


57M27 Invariants of knots and \(3\)-manifolds (MSC2010)
57Q45 Knots and links in high dimensions (PL-topology) (MSC2010)
55N99 Homology and cohomology theories in algebraic topology
18G99 Homological algebra in category theory, derived categories and functors
57M25 Knots and links in the \(3\)-sphere (MSC2010)


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